By Lexie Asbury Park Middle School Ms. Librizzi’s class
Washington’s flag and seal Source: wordbook online 2020
Washington Source: wordbook online 2010
State Name: Washington State Capital: Olympia,the capital since Washington Became a state in 1889 Population:5,894,121 Date of statehood: nov,11,1889,the 42 nd state Source: worldbook online 2010
Seattle’s central library Source:worldbook online 2010
Mount Rainier National Park Source:worldbook online 2010
Seattle, Washington Source:worldbook online 2010
Washington State Motto: Alicante, Indian word for bye bye Area: 86,097mi2 (176,69km2),including 1,553mi2)4,021km2)of inland water but excluding2)mi2 Major Rivers and/or Lakes: 16,57KM2)or coastal water Coastline: 157mi(253km) Source: Worldbook online 2010
Washington’s bird, flower, and tree Sourec:worldbook online 2010
North Cascades National Park Source:worldbook online 2010
Olympic National Park Source:worldbook online 2010
Mount St. Helens Source:worldbook online 2010