Strasbourg astronomical Data Centre (DS) Françoise GENOVA
2 Founded in 1972 Located in Strasbourg (France) The team integrates astronomers, s/w engineers and data librarians specialized in astronomical data Curates and distributes data from publications, astronomical catalogues, reference images Three main services SIMBAD, nomenclature and bibliography of astronomical objects (currently ~ ) VizieR, catalogues, observations logs tables and other data (images, spectra, time series, …) from publications Aladin, interactive sky atlas. VO portal for image data and database of reference images. The Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS)
3 The VizieR service
4 Agreement with the then European journal Astronomy & Astrophysics in 1993: publication of tables at CDS (ftp service, then database allowing to query by criteria), selection by a science editor Also data attached to publications from the other journals A common metadata description: files, columns Fully integrated in the astronomical virtual observatory (seamless access among observatory archives and other resources) More and more data which are not tables (15% of ) Vizier content
5 Françoise Genova, Copernicus Workshop, 14 March 2014 Data validated by a publication Fully discoverable and usable ble “Photometry viewer”: Spectral points extracted from the collection
6 Metadata & Virtual Observatory = data discovery & retrieval