Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world Joanna Groves, Chief Executive Officer, IAPO World Health Editors Network Meeting 16 May 2010 Geneva, Switzerland The 63 rd World Health Assembly: Patient Group Priorities
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world Content of Presentation About IAPO IAPO’s perspectives on the World Health Assembly agenda and priority issues for patients
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world About IAPO Unique global alliance of 200 national, regional and international groups representing patients Crossing borders and diseases Vision: Patients throughout the world are at the centre of healthcare Membership spans over 50 countries and all world regions Representing an estimated 365 million patients Advocacy Capacity Building Partnerships
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world The essence of patient- centred healthcare is that the healthcare system is designed and delivered so that it can answer the needs of patients IAPO Declaration on Patient-Centred Healthcare
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world The Global Burden of Chronic Disease Non-communicable diseases present a growing economic and social challenge for many developed and developing countries Non-communicable diseases cause 38 million deaths annually WHO estimates that globally, deaths from non-communicable diseases are forecast to increase by 17% over the next 10 years Deaths are projected to increase in the African Region by 27% Deaths are projected to increase in the Eastern Mediterranean Region by 25% WHO 2008
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world Tackling Chronic Disease WHO Action Plan for the Global Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases OBJECTIVE 1: To raise the priority accorded to non-communicable disease in development work at global and national levels, and to integrate prevention and control of such diseases into policies across all government departments. OBJECTIVE 2: To establish and strengthen national policies and plans for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world Tackling Chronic Disease OBJECTIVE 3: To promote interventions to reduce the main shared modifiable risk factors for non-communicable diseases: tobacco use, unhealthy diets, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol OBJECTIVE 4: To promote research for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases OBJECTIVE 5: To promote partnerships for the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases OBJECTIVE 6: To monitor non-communicable diseases and their determinants and evaluate progress at the national, regional and global levels
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world An approach to healthcare is needed that focuses on the person rather than the disease and involved people in their healthcare aligning healthcare systems with patients’ needs: Patient-Centred Healthcare “The people have the right and duty to participate individually and collectively in the planning and implementation of their healthcare” Alma Ata Declaration – Principle IV (1978, WHO)
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world Millennium Development Goals Patient-Centred Healthcare Person-Centred Healthcare
Challenges – Lack of information for cancer patients – Patients unaware of their rights and responsibilities – Patients overwhelmed by the obstacles they face navigating the health system – Patients felt they were left alone to deal with their fate Patient University Program – Strengthen the individual and group capacities and skills of cancer patients – Patients are informed, trained and empowered – Patients provided with tools to face the situation and move forward Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world Improving Health Literacy The Patient University, Peru Esperantra identified a need among patients for training in skills such as leadership, self esteem, communication, and many other basic skills, along with up to date information.
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world
Patients’ organizations are also concerned with other WHA agenda items including: Viral Hepatitis Chagas Disease Counterfeit Medical Products
IAPO: Supports and brings the patient voice to initiatives such as the World Health Organization (WHO) International Medical Products Anti- Counterfeiting Taskforce (IMPACT) and the Council of Europe Committee on Counterfeit Medicines Undertakes activities to raise awareness with patients and patients’ organizations - developing and disseminating advocacy and educational tools such as the IAPO Patient Safety Toolkit Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world Combating Counterfeit Medicines
Promoting patient-centred healthcare around the world Conclusion The growth in the prevalence of chronic conditions requires a shift in the way that healthcare systems are designed and healthcare is delivered to involve patients. The best way to achieve patient-centred healthcare is to have an approach based on strong values of respect, partnership and equity and to ensure that all relevant stakeholders are engaged and supported including patients and patients’ organizations and the general public.
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