“To identify at the community, regional and national level the indigent families as priority subjects of social policy, in a manner in which a preferential action by the State is directed towards them through selective interventions, with strong emphasis on intersectorailism and integrality. Studied the situation of persistent indigence or extreme poverty in the country in the last 4 years, and it was estimated that it was necessary.....
The Ministry of Planning (MIDEPLAN), together with other public institutions has designed an intervention strategy directed specifically at families in extreme poverty. The strategy represents one of various alternatives for addressing the problem and its design is based on successful experiences in this field in the municipal and private context.
FOSIS has been charged with designing and implementing a program to achieve this objective by carrying out an intervention strategy that is: Organized around a range of services and benefits. Oriented at working in a network Assuming the family as the unit of intervention. ”Its objective is to improve the living conditions of families in extreme poverty, creating opportunities and providing resources which allow them to recover or have a decisive and effective make available a functional capacity in their personal, family, community and institutional environment.”
The Program that FOSIS conducts should allow for…. The facilitation of the work of the institutions involved in the task of overcoming poverty. Optimal use of public resources for the benefit of families in poverty. Better poverty targeting of resources through increased accessibility to the resources generated by working with the families themselves.
The Program was started in 2002 in 4 regions of the country Magallanes Punta Arenas Natales Porvenir Maule All communities(30) Antofagasta All communities (9) Metropolitana La Cisterna San Joaquín Pedro Aguirre Cerda San Ramón La Granja Lo Espejo Provincia Maipo Provincia Melipilla Provincia de Talagante
The expected result of the program is that at least 70% of families with which they work, would achieve the outcome that has been defined from the intervention "Families with practices of mutual support, integrated into their local daily life, accessing, through expressed demand, the social benefits aimed at the poorest, linked to existing social networks with an income above the line of extreme poverty"
This is achieved in the family as each participant has a set of minimum conditions for quality of life that have been organized into seven categories or domains. Identification Health Education Family Dynamics Housing and Living Conditions Employment Income
The program is structured on the basis of 4 principal components Personal attention at home by a FAMILY ADVOCATE assigned to the family for 24 months, with a decreasing intensity of contact time. Based on a specially-designed playful methodology, the signing of contracts between the Family Support Officer and family to meet the minimum quality of life defined by the program. MONITORING AND EVALUATON
THE PROGRAM’S MANAGEMENT MODEL FOSIS is responsible for the Program’s results Local LevelRegional LevelNational Level Family Intervention Unit (UIF) Local Intervention Network Technical Advisory Committtee Regional Initiatives Fund National Technical Advisory Committtee
Participation of the Municipalities The participation of the Municipality is an indispensable requirement for the establishment of the program in a community. Each Municipality is formally invited by letter to participate in the Program If the Municipality decides not to participate in the Program, the Program is not carried out in that region. At the time that the Municipality agrees in writing to join the program, the work in the community begins with the necessary arrangements for the establishment of the Family Intervention Unit, the training of family advocates assigned to the Municipality and the delivery of the methodology and materials for psychosocial support to beneficiary families
The available budget is directed at financing... The process of training of family advocates and the technical support and methodology of family intervention units. The recruitment of additional family advocates for the community, based on the number determined through discussion with each municipality and should in no case exceed 50% of that total number. The contribution of the program to the creation of the Regional Initiatives Fund (complementing resources from other public and private institutions). The materials used by the Family advocates in working with participating families Networks Family Bridge: recording family achievements Storage Shed: recognizing family capital Hopscotch board: deciding family priorities within defined dimensions Family Tree: presenting family members The family’s journey across the Bridge from social exclusion to inclusion is visualized on their own gameboard.
Volver My mood at the beginning My mood at the end
Recognizing the family: Who are we?
Volver Recognizing the family: Who are we?
Prioritizing our concerns
Organizing our Storage Shed
Working on building the bridge