All about ME! Year 1 Autumn Term 1 2013 Literacy Me and my family - We will be thinking about how wonderful our families are and writing simple sentences.


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Presentation transcript:

All about ME! Year 1 Autumn Term Literacy Me and my family - We will be thinking about how wonderful our families are and writing simple sentences about them. We will also be labelling pictures of our family and turning these labels into sentences. Creating a short story about someone special in our family will help us practise our simple sentences. Pixar Film clip ‘Partly Cloudy’ – Watch the film clip in sections and predict what will happen next. Look at the story structure as a whole and think about beginning, problem and solution. The children will then use this knowledge to change the story and create a new problem and solution. My body and keeping healthy – Structure of non fiction texts and use the texts to find interesting facts. Label parts of the body. The senses – Find out what the senses are and what we use them for. Practically explore the senses in a range of fun activities. Numeracy Calculation - Counting and arranging numbers to 10 and beyond. Calculation – Reading and writing numbers to 10 and beyond correctly. Calculation – Recognise, continue and make simple patterns. Shape, space and measures – Recognising and naming 2D shapes. Calculation – Counting in 2s. Calculation – Addition through combining sets of numbers. Data Handling – Sorting and counting objects. Pictorial recording. Weekly problem solving activities and investigations. Access to a variety of numeracy games and websites including ‘mathletics’ and ‘bbc bitesize’ on the notebooks and smartboard. Art/DT Self portraits using a variety of media. Creating a portrait of a family member using clay. Investigate moulding and joining techniques. Make a multisensory picture enabling children to explore their own senses. Investigate the use of different materials to create a high quality finished piece of artwork. Making area – independent activity to design and make a range of 3D models. Humanities My family tree. Then and now - playground games throughout history. Our school – investigating our immediate surroundings. Create maps of the school building and grounds. Science Use non fiction texts to write simple sentences about the body and our senses. Labelling the parts of a body. Make a shaker. Predict and test different objects and investigate how the sound changes. Sorting activity – I can investigate living/non living things. I can name animals and their babies and say why I am different to animals. Visit from school nurse to discuss keeping healthy, caring for teeth and hand washing. Make healthy pizza and/or fruit kebabs – Maths problem solving link – ‘How many pizza toppings do we need?’ Put 2 sets together and count up to 10 and beyond. R.E/Music/SMSC links I can tell you why I am special. Introduce the ‘Marvellous Me’ box. I can talk about special places – including church. I can tell you about a Christian Christening Ceremony. Weekly singing session with Mrs Needham and percussion instrument playing. SEAL sessions – ‘New beginnings’. ICT Using film clips to support story telling. Access ‘Mathletics’ using the notebooks. Using the writing and drawing packages on the laptops to write and annotate simple sentences. Work on developing the use of various control buttons. Happy Healthy Me – Cbeebies. Phonics games. Use of Ipads and cameras to take photos of school environment. Global dimensions Weekly Spanish sessions. PE Apparatus – Safety, taking off, landing and finishing. Outdoor PE – Playground games.