Mrs. Huma Kashif DAPS ‘O & A levels’ Seaview G.Science, Grade III ACTION PLAN
LONG-TERM GOAL Adopt 21st century teaching approaches to enhance students appreciation of science.
SHORT-TERM GOALS Change my questioning strategies with students to promote critical thinking. Focus on encouraging students instead of praising. Focus on experiments, students use to get an answer not just the answer itself. Encourage collaboration among students. Helps student understand that they can use each other as resources.
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES AND TASKS I will provide more opportunities for students to answer questions that require higher order thinking. I will provide students with time for group discussions. I will ask questions that require students to explain how they came to an answer. I will allow students to gather in randomly assigned groups or pairs to discuss how to best investigate about the given topic.
SOLUTIONS TO ANTICIPATED CHALLENGES The principal may not agree with my new approach. Parents may not understand my methods. I do not own a computer There may be some students who do not want to work together. I will share the course manual and my notes from this course with my principal. I will use my new word processing skills to create a newsletter to inform parents of my new methods. I will stay after school to use a computer in the schools computer lab to create productivity tools. I will randomly group students to encourage collaboration with all class members.
CLASS III NEWSLETTER (SAMPLE) By:Huma Kashif 10th June 2011 What will happen in class next week? What happened in class this week? Students learned about human body parts in science. In social studies students learned about their country Pakistan. Students also wrote and recited their own poems. Students science reports on plants are due on Monday. Make sure your child finishes on time! Students will begin work on a family tree project please help your child gather pictures and stories about your family members. We will have a classroom spelling bee on Thursday. Remind your child to practice. Remember! The school concert will be on Saturday,11th June Bring the family!
TIMELINE I will focus encouragement, rather than praise. I will successfully adopt 21st century teaching approached in my classroom. September January November March I will focus on questioning skills. I will work on creating collaborative groups or pairs.
RESOURCES Other teachers who teach my same grade and subject. Internet Word processing, multimedia, and spreadsheets applications. Intel ®Teach Program Getting Started Course manual.
CONCLUSION By implementing my newly acquired 21st century teaching approaches students will be empowered and will appreciate and gain a better knowledge of science.