Why Churches Planting Churches?
Review: Biblical principles form the foundation of a dynamic new Church!
1. Christ is the LORD of church planting, and He has a vision for your new church.
6. The central work of the new church will always be to help people put their trust in Christ, and grow into maturity as His followers.
11. Healthy churches will reproduce and daughter church planting should be envisioned and planned from the new church’s beginning.
Why Churches Planting Churches? The most effective strategy for reaching the world for Christ is church planting. The most Biblical strategy for reaching the world for Christ is church planting.
From 1800 to 1960 the number of Baptists in the US grew from 100,000 members to twenty million! It is likely that 12 to 16 Million came to Christ through these new Baptist churches. Associations that aggressively plant churches reach people for Christ and grow.
1.FOCUS 2.STYLE (Approach) 3.VISION What a great investment! Why are new churches so much more effective?
What is a “church"? “A church is a group of believers in Christ who meet for biblical worship, learning and mission.” What is a “Mother Church" and what is a “Daughter Church"? In the Scriptures, the church is always female. Churches planting churches?
Biblical foundations for daughtering One Great Commission Two Great Promise Three Parable of the Lost Sheep "I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety- nine righteous persons who do not need to repent" Luke 15:7
Practical Reasons For Daughtering A: It is the most effective method of church planting. The facts are that … … the most effective method of evangelism is church planting. … the most effective method of church planting is daughter church planting.
Why? 1.Conception: 2.Nurturing 3.Resources Christians should beget Christians, not churches or pastors. Churches should beget churches, not denominations or missions. Church associations should beget regional associations. “Hardly anything demonstrates the health of a congregation as much as the willingness—and ability!—to give birth to new congregations. The opposite is true as well. Hardly anything is a more clear indication of illness than structures which by design hinder church multiplication, or at best permit it as an absolute exception.”
The facts are that … … the most effective method of evangelism is church planting. … the most effective method of church planting is daughter church planting. Why?
Practical reasons for daughtering A: It is the most effective method of church planting. B: Increased spiritual passion in the mother church.
Increased Spiritual Passion A greater concern for reaching the lost. God blesses those who give. Complete dependence on God. “Churches that have planted daughter churches are growing three times faster than those who haven’t (47 per 100 over 5 years vs. 15 per 100 over 5 years). These figures include the members given away over these last five years.”
A: It is the most effective method of church planting. B: Increased spiritual passion in the mother church. C: Parenting is a joyful experience. Practical reasons for daughtering
A: It is the most effective method of church planting. B: Increased spiritual passion in the mother church. C: Parenting is a joyful experience. D: Leadership Development Practical reasons for daughtering
A: It is the most effective method of church planting. B: Increased spiritual passion in the mother church. C: Parenting is a joyful experience. D: Leadership Development E: Kingdom Growth Practical reasons for daughtering
F: Family Legacy Most of the miraculous church planting recounted in the book of Acts happened in the region that is today the nation of Turkey. In the second century as much as 60% of the region made it one of the strongest Christian footholds in the Mediterranean region. Yet today it is a 99.8% Muslim nation with only 0.01% of the population being evangelical Christians. Practical reasons for daughtering
What really matters is the bottom line - the number of people reached by these churches! A Church family tree
NAMEBIRTHRELATIONSHIPSTYLEYEAR What will your church’s family tree look like?
F: Family Legacy G: Denominational Growth Practical reasons for daughtering
F: Family Legacy G: Denominational Growth H: Foreign language churches are needed.
Two basic types of Daughter Church Planting
1. Unintentional daughter church planting Persecution Church splits The call of God Adoption A surprise pregnancy The legacy of a dying church
2. Intentional daughter church planting Missionary model Send a team nearby model Raise up a Timothy model Let my people go model Let my pastor go model Partner church model Church within a church model Multi-site model
Conclusion The facts are that … … the most effective method of evangelism is church planting. … the most effective method of church planting is daughter church planting.