Entrepreneurial Competences for School Leadership Teams Newcastle 6 th October 2014
Welcome and Introductions Professor Sue Robson – Head of School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University Mr Rene Koglbauer – Director of the North Leadership Centre, Newcastle University
Meeting Objectives Get to know one another The project in detail – structure – methodology – outputs – roles and responsibilities Management structures Financial matters
Agenda Monday 6 th October TimeActivityLed by… – Welcome and Introductions. Agenda for the two days. Sue Robson/Rene Koglbauer – Partner introductions Presentations by partners about their own organisations (10-15 minutes each) Each partner – 11.15Coffee – Project Overview Objectives, Phases, Partner roles, Target Groups and Outcomes Paul Harrison – Methodology The Professional Enquiry Approach Sue Robson – 14.00Lunch
Agenda Monday 6 th October TimeActivityLed by… – Output 1 - Management Partnership Agreements, Management Handbook, Developing a detailed Action Plan, Website, Responsibilities of Output leaders, Reporting Paul Harrison – 15.45Tea – Output 2 – The State of the Art Brief presentation from P1, P3, P4 and P5 on current provision for school leaders/teachers/ business. Roles and responsibilities. Clarity on the four key areas: Strategic Thinking & Visioning, Team Building, Personnel Management & Development, Communication & Negotiation Skills Financial resources, Mobilisation & Optimisation. Sharing the information and producing the report. P1, P3, P4 and P Partner dinner
TimeActivityLed by… – Output 3 – School based enquiry Brief report on the pilot schools partners will or are likely to be working with – overview of the structure of the enquiry, introducing the schools to the topics, initial planning P1, P3, P4, P – Output 4 - Developing the final modules Overview of the Output and its links into the other work Paul Harrison – 11.15Coffee – Output 5 – Overarching Research Structure and organisation of the research strand, roles of partners Sue Robson/Rene Koglbauer – Output 6 – Quality Assurance Developing the Quality Plan – evaluation strategies, role of the external evaluator Paul Harrison – 13.00Output 7 – Dissemination Developing the Dissemination Plan, target groups, timescales, use of existing networks, dissemination products and activities, record keeping Paul Harrison Agenda Tuesday 6 th October
TimeActivityLed by… – 14.00Lunch – Output 8 - Exploitation Overview of the Output and roles of partners Paul Harrison – Budgets Financial Reporting, Budget monitoring, Regulations, Record Keeping Paul Harrison – Conclusion of Meeting Further questions and discussions Action points Skype meeting and next partner meeting Sue Robson/Rene Koglbauer Visit to Newcastle Agenda Tuesday 6 th October
Partner Introductions Organisation Personnel P1University of NewcastleUNEW Sue Robson Rene Koglbauer P2edEUcation ltdEDEUC Paul Harrison Janet Linsley P3University of JyväskyläJYU Mikael Risku P4University of PrimorskaUP Majda Cenčič Tina Štemberger P5 Bucharest University of Economic Studies BUES Marian Nastase Monica Paduraru P6 European School Heads Association ESHA Fred Verboon
Project Overview 2 year Strategic Partnership Aims: To improve the quality and efficiency of school leadership through improved creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship. To identify key successful entrepreneurial competences from the business world, adapt them to a school leadership context and develop training modules to equip school leadership teams to accelerate the pace of school improvement and lead and manage with greater school autonomy.
Project Overview Objectives: Audit the systems and leadership development programmes in the partner countries Audit successful entrepreneurial practice in the world of work and relate it to the needs of school leadership teams To establish an enquiry network to identify best practice and identify gaps in provision in the delivery of four key areas of entrepreneurial competence: – Strategic Thinking & Visioning – Team Building, Personnel Management & Development – Communication & Negotiation Skills – Financial resources mobilization & Optimization Use professional enquiry to examine real life cases in schools and business Develop a set of training modules for Primary and Secondary leadership teams Pilot, test, evaluate and refine the training modules Carry out longitudinal research into the processes used and their impact Disseminate the project outcomes Explore the integration of the final modules into a joint EU masters programme
Structure of the Project Phases: Set up – systems and website Audit – current practice and need Development – professional enquiry in schools – creation of draft training modules Testing and evaluation Final modules Exploitation and dissemination events Across all phases: Overarching research Dissemination Quality Assurance Structure broken into 8 Intellectual Outputs subdivided into 22 activities
Partner Roles Roles linked to expertise Leadership of Intellectual outputs shared Roles in delivery shared Lead responsibilities for specific activities – Overseeing quality – Deadlines – Supporting other partners Management responsibilities – Own staff – Deadlines and quality – Financial management
Target Groups Direct Target groups: Leadership teams of the four schools in each country – Principal and his/her Deputies or aspiring to leadership – determined by the schools themselves around 6 staff from each school The teaching staff of the schools involved 120 (30 in each of four countries) aspiring leaders from other schools not involved in the developmental stage Longer term target groups : School leadership teams reached through dissemination Organisations involved in the training of school leaders Regional, national and international organisations with an interest in school improvement Policy makers at national and EU levels who will be reached through the contribution of the project to the on-going work of EPNoSL
Outcomes Outcomes linked to the overall objectives Identified in each Intellectual Output Activities broken down into ‘Deliverables’ with timescales Deliverables used for monitoring of progress and quality assurance
Entrepreneurial Competences for School Leadership Teams Newcastle 6 th October 2014