Open Facility Registry Service Project: Facility Registry Expansion Development (FRED) Roles and Responsibilities DRAFT
FRED Goals Design, development, and reference implementation of a Facility Registry Service Provide an open, standards based, repeatable approach to the implementation Facilitate later and larger efforts: Model benefits of NHIS HIE and provide roadmap for implementation of the full range of NHIS components Engage stakeholders from multiple countries in design process and generate buy-in for possible adoption 2
FRED Deliverables 1.Overall project management 2.Functional requirements documentation 3.Systems documentation & API Specifications 4.Showcase reference implementation 5.Country engagement for design input (through Paul) 3
FRED Team Makeup Overall Project Management: NetHope Funded Subcontractors – Columbia University – Mohawk College – Dimagi – DHIS Non-funded Contributors – RHEA/Hi-PPP: Jembi, Rwanda MoH, InSTEDD, Regenstrief NOTE: Core FRED technical team will have/has representation from all stakeholders above 4
Functional Requirements Documentation Roles: – Use cases (Personas/Users/Roles and permissions) for core (Host) Facility Registry Service RHEA Stakeholders: Provide documentation on existing Rwanda approach Columbia: Document generalized use cases and functional requirements specification Mohawk: Document generalized use cases in the context of the CHP Framework – Use Cases for FRED client/consumer solutions RHEA Stakeholders: Provide documentation & examples on existing Rwanda approach Dimagi & DHIS: Example client use case documentation 5
Systems Documentation & API Specifications 1.Columbia (w/technical core team): a)FRED Core Services Systems architecture, data model, APIs & exposed interfaces b)Open standards selection 2.Mohawk: a)Open standards support documentation b)Technical documentation in NHIS/HIE Context c)Incorporate new documentation in the CHP framework: I.Reference implementation requirements and design documentation; reference APIs, web service and reference clients II.Technical documentation for use by solutions providers developing software consuming web services III.User documentation for generic ministry of health facility registry implementation 6
Showcase Reference Implementation Core Facility Registry Services – InSTEDD and Columbia: Based on InSTEDD’s Resource Mapper, develop and test generic implementation Using above, host reference implementation for client application development and testing Client/consumer applications – Dimagi & DHIS (TBD): Based on documented sample client/consumer use cases, develop and test functionality against hosted core service reference implementation Client software development & testing Documentation case study of consumer/client implementation 7
Feedback Kelly Keisling Fredrik Winsnes (NH) 8