European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade) - Indonesia PROJECT NO: AIDCO/2004/16830; 30 March 2005 Presented to Illegal Logging Update and Stakeholder Consultation Chatham House, London 26 January 2007
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF The Concept The Project supports the objectives of the Action Plan by providing set of activities to assist GoI in tackling illegal logging; It focusing on the underlying issues that are responsible for illegal logging; Assists GoI, civil society and wood industry to achieve SFM through governance reform, harmonization of laws & regulations, awareness raising, capacity building and legal compliance;
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF FACTS AND FIGURES Duration: 5 years (1 March 2006 – 28 February 2011) BUT AWP I: 11/12/06-15/11/07 AWP II: 16/11/07-15/05/09 Executive Agency: BAPPENAS
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF Implementing Agency:MoF in Jakarta Provincial Governments: Jambi and West Kalimantan Implementing Consortium: SAVCOR (Finland); COWI ( Denmark ) ; WWF; IHSA (Indonesia)
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF Local Technical Assistance: 27 experts (1,308 mm) International Technical Assistance Team: 8 experts (262 mm) Total Expert Staff : 35 Project Director: Ratman Tasmin (seconded) Team Leader: Michael Jaeger
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF PROJECT BUDGET : EC Contribution:€ 14, Indonesian Contribution (In kind)€ 1,765,000 Total€ 16,746,306
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF Jakarta Jambi Papua West Kalimantan Project locations
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF Coordination and decision making mechanism Project Management Unit National Technical Team Provincial Technical Team Provincial Steering Committee Provincial Technical Team National Steering Committee Jambi Kalimantan West Provincial Steering Committee Jakarta Implementation Unit Implementation Unit Provincial Project Task Force
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF PROJECT COMPONENTS 1 - 5
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF C.1Improved forest law and its enforcement Achievements: i)Jointly with Reg. Gov. collection of policies, laws & regulations in 2 provinces. Analysis in progress ii)Team member of Law on Illegal Logging iii)INPRES 4/2005: In team with MenkoPolHukam, WB, WWF to develop National Strategy based on 11 Steps Program iv)Supporting Provincial Task Forces to implement INPRES v)36 Type of training program and syllabus developed and accepted (law enforcers, investigation and processing of cases) vi)Multistakeholders consultations incl. NGO
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF C. 2Improved forest sector governance Achievements: i)GIS database partly established (permits, maps, industries, locations, boundaries, etc) ii)Information on project activities disseminated to civil societies iii)Developing partnership with NGOs to explore with communities how to assume responsibility for forest management iv)Information centres being established v)Integrated process for planning and programming/budgeting for Prov. For. Off.
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF C. 3Illegal trade in forest products reduced, and legal trade promoted Achievements: i)Data relating to industries, m3/yr, and concessions collected in 2 Provinces ii)Integrated database between different directorates of MoF (BPK) is in process of being established iii)Team member of the Verified Legal Compliance development
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF C. 4Current silvicultural systems assessed and appropriate systems developed Achievements: i)Agreement with FORDA and PEMDA to use ex-concession areas for improvement of communities livelihood ii)Joint team established to investigate suitable areas
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF C. 5Liaison and Co-ordination Achievements: i)Facilitation and participation in VPA processes ii)Assisting/promoting FLEGT Action Plan at international, national, regional venues iii)Bi-monthly meetings with NGOs commenced iv)Website created: v)Newsletters/Briefs, brochures issued regularly vi)Participated in national, regional exhibitions vii)Field visits arranged for massmedia and NGOs
European Union Ministry of Forestry EC-Indonesia FLEGT Support Project for a living planet IHSA This project is implemented by SAVCOR INDUFOR led consortium WWF THANK YOU