Aapni Yojna Critical Success Factors in Aapni Yojana with special reference to Community Participation
Why Aapni Yojna? Water scarcity and frequent droughts Poor services by existing WS schemes Poor quality of ground water Non-Potable Water Potable Water High Fl content High TDS content High Nitrate content TDS ppm Chloride 9800 ppm Nitrate 350 ppm Fluorides 4.2 ppm Aapni Yojna
Water Supply functional vil. Sanitation units Self Help Groups – 223 Man-days sanitation unit construction: 4,94,846 Achievements Aapni Yojna
Total Saving in SHGs: INR 33,49,546 Trench digging by villagers: INR 12,300,000 (1228 km) Security money deposited: INR 25,23,960 Water fees deposited: INR 4,32,84,121 Corpus fund with WHCs: INR 36,00,000 Achievements (cont.) Aapni Yojna
Critical Success Factors Largest project signed between the government and the NGOs (INR crores) in A consortium of 5 NGOs working together for achieving the project objectives. Right from the planning stage active involvement of the community and the NGOs. Aapni Yojna
Legally binding agreement between Water & Health Committee (WHC) and Project Management Cell of Government of Rajasthan. Good quality of construction. WHC accepting responsibilities of bill payment and local Operation & Maintenance. Women involved in every step of project implementation. Critical Success Factors (cont.) Aapni Yojna
Sustainability Since 1995 the water rates (user charges) have remained unchanged. There is a need to review the rates once in every 3 years and enhance it. People are agreeable to increase water rates. Use of REVERSE BIDDING process through private operators for Operations and Maintenance. Aapni Yojna
Sustainability (Reverse bidding) Present operation and maintenance cost is about Rs.16 crores per annum, out of which Rs.4 crores is recovered through user charges. Hence there is a deficit of Rs.12 crores. It is estimated by PHED that 350 staff are required for the operation and maintenance. Through REVERSE BIDDING process private operators can reduce deficit less than Rs.12 crores. Aapni Yojna
Proposed Institutional Model for Aapni Yojna Governance Body Aapni Yojna People’s Water Utility Technical WingConsumer WingFinancial Wing Chief Executive Officer Private Sector Operator Technical WingConsumer WingFinancial Wing Chief Executive Officer Private Sector Operator Management Organization O&M Organizations PP ZP GoR (IAS) NGO CE PP ♀ CAO PP Regulatory Agency (GoR)
Aapni Yojna Thank you!