Job No/ 1 Sean Amos Environmental Projects, AWE “Importance of the SAFEGROUNDS guidance for the successful delivery of land management and decommissioning projects” Sean Amos Environmental Projects, AWE © British Crown Copyright 2007/MOD
Job No/ 2 So What am I going to talk about for 20 minutes ? l Why ? A little bit of history l Who ? The “players” l What ? Outputs l Does it work – why we think it is a good idea l Example l The Future – moving forward
Job No/ 3 Why develop SAFEGROUNDS DD175:1988 CIRIA publications (Remedial Treatment For Contaminated Land 12 Volumes) 1990’s BS10175:2000 **CLR11**
Job No/ 4 Who ? l AWE l BNFL l UKAEA l British Energy l MoD l EA l NII l SEPA l NGOs l CBOs l Other
Job No/ 5 What ? l Guidance l Site Investigation l Land Management l Regulatory Framework
Job No/ 6 SAFEGROUNDS - Principles l Principle 1: Protection of People and the Environment l Principle 2: Stakeholder Involvement l Principle 3: Identifying the Preferred Land Management Option l Principle 4: Immediate Action l Principle 5: Record-Keeping
Job No/ 7 AWE
Job No/ 8 Implementation – the problem holders. l The management of contaminated land sites shall be in accordance with best practice, based on the most recent guidance. The risk management framework, set out in the Environment Agency’s document CLR 11 (see Guidance) shall be used when assessing the suitability of development sites at AWE and in the assessment of land affected by legacy contamination. Appropriate Health and Safety Executive and SAFEGROUNDS guidance shall also be followed.
Job No/ 9
Job No/ 10 Implementation – the problem solvers l Its free l Its what the problem holders want l The EA references SAFEGROUNDS in CLR11 l Site Characterisation – General (p 193) l Guidance Specific to a particular Industry Sector (p 197) l Project Management – Communication (p 199)
Job No/ 11 AWE Experience. l Improvements to competitive tendering. l Old School l New Blood
Job No/ 12 Challenges for you l You are permanently on trial. l Demonstration of knowledge in depth l If you do not like something be prepared to say so
Job No/ 13 The Future l “The objective of the project is to produce a second version of the SAFEGROUNDS guidance on the management of contaminated land (LMGv2) and corresponding versions of existing and new SAFEGROUNDS supporting documents” SAFEGROUNDS guidance revision project CIRIA Research Project Specification - Revision of the SAFEGROUNDS Guidance on the Management of Contaminated Land and its Supporting Documents (final), SAFEGROUNDS June 2006
Job No/ 14 SAFEGROUNDS guidance revision project LMGv2 Site Characterisation Options Comparison Regulatory Framework v5 Citizens’ GuideRisk PaperRecord Keeping Stakeholder Involvement Revised New
Job No/ 15 Conclusions l Ongoing commitment l Ongoing development l Increasing profile l Benefits to users
Job No/ 16 Acknowledgements l Mike Pearl - UKAEA l Mark Bentley - CIRIA l Julian Cruickshank - BNG