Human Rights National Action Plan: An Indonesian Experience Prof Harkristuti Harkrisnowo, UI Director General for Human Rights Indonesian Ministry of Justice
National Basic Documents on Human Rights 2 nd Amendment to the 1945 Constitution Law no. 39 of 1999 on Human Rights Presidential Decree no. 40 of 2004 on Human Rights National Action Plan Law no. 26 of 2000 on Human Rights Court Law no. 7 of 1984 on CEDAW Presidential Decree no. 36 of 1990 on CRC Law no. 23 of 2002 on Child Protection Law no. 11 0f 2005 on ICESCR Law no. 12 of 2005 on ICCPR
Human Rights Institutions The National Human Rights Commission The National Commission against Violence Against Women The National Commission on the Rights of the Child Various community-generated NGOs Human Rights Study Centers
And Government Organizations At The Ministry of Law and Human Rights: The Directorate General for Human Rights The Human Rights Research and Development Agency The Directorate of Human Rights at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
With support of… The Human Rights Court The National Truth and Reconciliation Committee (pending) The National Human Rights Commission The National Ombudsman Commission The National and Regional Committees on the National Action Plan on Human Rights
The Constitution & Law no. 39 of 1999 The State recognizes and upholds human rights and fundamental freedom Protection, promotion, and fulfillment of human rights are primarily the responsibility of the State Everyone is born equal with inherent dignity and equal and inalienable rights Every one is entitled to human rights protection without discrimination of any kind.
State Obligations to Respect, Protect and Fulfill Human Rights The obligation to respect rights requires states to refrain from any action that would interfere with citizens' enjoyment of their rights; including actions people take in efforts to realize their rights. The obligation to protect rights requires states to take action to prevent violations of human rights by others. This obligation involves encouraging individuals and organizations to respect the rights of others, as well as imposing sanctions for violations that are committed by private individuals or organizations.
Obligations (cont’d) The obligation to fulfill rights requires states to take action to achieve the full realization of rights. These actions can include enacting laws, implementing budgetary and economic measures, or enhancing the functioning of judicial bodies and administrative agencies.
Human Rights National Action Plan (RANHAM) A Guidelines and General Plan to ensure the enhancement of respect, promotion, protection and fulfillment of human rights Taking into account religious and cultural values including customs of Indonesian people This Plan shall be progressively and continuously implemented in a five-year program A National Committee to implement RANHAM is to be established, chaired by the Minister of Law and Human Rights
The National Committee Advisors: –Coordinating Minister for Political and Security Affairs –Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs; –Coordinating Minister for Welfare of the People Chair –Minister of Law and Human Rights 1 st Vice Chair: Minister of Home Affairs 2 nd Vice Chair: Minister of Foreign Affairs Secretary: Director General for Human Rights, Ministry of Law and Human Rights
With members from… All government institutions (represented by the Secretary General of each institutions) And Chairs of….. The National Human Rights Commission The National Commission on the Elimination of Violence Against Women The National Commission on Child Protection The National Commissions on Ombudsman
RANHAM Committee Coordinates the implementation of RANHAM in order to: Establish & strengthen the RANHAM committee Prepare ratification of and accession to International Human Rights Instruments Prepare harmonization of laws & regulations Disseminate human rights Apply human rights norms & standards Monitor, evaluate and prepare report
RANHAM committee (cont’d) Ministry of Law & Human Right and the Governor in each province shall establish Provincial RANHAM, and its seat is in the Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights Ministry of Law & Human Right an d the Regent/Mayor in each province shall establish regency/municipality RANHAM Committee
RANHAM Implementing Institutions National Committee Provincial Committee Regency/Municipal Committee
Civil society In cooperation with ….. As a necessary element
Members of the Committee Government institutions Human Rights Institutions Experts/academics Community elements
As of today…. There are 436 Regional Committees nationwide out of the targeted 481 provinces, regencies and municipalities The Directorate General for Human Rights have conducted capacity building programs for some of these committees, supported by various donor agencies, in cooperation with human rights study centers and human rights NGOs
Obstacles in Implementing HR … Social political condition Economic gap among the haves and the haves not Frequency of corruption Insufficient law enforcement Lack of understanding on Human Rights Human rights violation is perceived as merely gross violation of human rights Good governance principles have not been fully implemented
In the urban areas….. Wider economic gap High mobility Heterogeneity of the public Center of government, venue of political, social and economic decision making Strong social movement Vulnerable to various conflicts
Issues to be resolved…. Knowledge of state apparatus and society on human rights standards and norms Coordination and consultation among state institutions and between state institutions and civil society Compilation of data and information on the implementation of human rights Developing Indonesian literature on human rights Diverse socio-cultural norms and values due to the heterogeneity of Indonesian people
Question 1 What is benefit of the new National Plan through the Ministry of Justice as opposed to relying on the existing National Human Rights Commission?
Question 2 Beyond the National Plan, which envisions local and regional work, how to reconcile the problem of local political authorities creating local regulations (Perda or Peraturan Daerah) negatively impacting human rights (for example on women’s dress), who will be represented in the local committees?
Question 3 What do you do in Aceh with its special autonomy status and sharia law under the Memorandum of Understanding ending the Acehnese unrest (which MOU specified that Aceh could have its own sharia law, but that it must be consistent with international human rights)?
Question 4 All people sitting in local and regional committees part of the local government, and do they feel any review from the national level interferes with local autonomy?
Question 5 If the local government and local legislatures do not comply with a RANHAM finding that there is a human rights problem, what happens?