1 ENV-NCP-TOGETHER Introduction to EU Research Funding Work Package 4 International Cooperation
Introduction to EU Research Funding 2 ENV-NCP-Together The European Union of today 27 Memeber States –5 Associated Countries (Iceland, Israel, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland) –and 3 candidate countries (Croatia, Turkey, FYROM) with a population of 500 Mio. –4 counties represent 50% of EU population (F-D-I-UK) Ambition to become the world‘s most dynamic knowledge-based economy © European Communities,
Introduction to EU Research Funding 3 ENV-NCP-Together The main components of FP7 COOPERATION IDEAS PEOPLE CAPACITIES EURATOM JRC
Introduction to EU Research Funding 4 ENV-NCP-Together Framework Programmes Budget Annual budget in € billion between 1984 and 2012, in current prices Source: EC, Annual report revised FP7 proposal
Introduction to EU Research Funding 5 ENV-NCP-Together The Cooperation programme is sub-divided into ten distinct themes. They reflect the most important fields of knowledge and technology where research excellence is particularly important to improve Europe’s ability to address its social, economic, public health, environmental and industrial challenges of the future. Budget: 32.4 Billion € Cooperation do research together Health Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Information & communication technologies Nanotechnologie Environment (incl Climate Change) Energy Transport (including aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities Space Security
Introduction to EU Research Funding 6 ENV-NCP-Together © European Communities, € The Cooperation Programm breakdown in € million
Introduction to EU Research Funding 7 ENV-NCP-Together Overview on EU Environmental Research
Introduction to EU Research Funding 8 ENV-NCP-Together Research for Environment Objectives of research for the environment are to promote sustainable management of both man-made and natural environment and its resources, increased knowledge on the interaction between the climate, biosphere, ecosystems and human activities, to develop new environmentally-friendly technologies, tools and services. Specific attention will be given to informing decision-makers in their design of environmental policy, as well as business leaders and ordinary citizens about the challenges and opportunities they face. For funding this theme, the EU has earmarked a total of € 1.9 billion over the duration of FP7 (2007 – 2013).
Introduction to EU Research Funding 9 ENV-NCP-Together The acitvities in Environment Activity 1 Climate change, pollution and risks Pressures on the environment and climate Environment and health Natural hazards Activity 2 Sustainable Management of Resources Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man- made resources and biodiversity Management of marine environments
Introduction to EU Research Funding 10 ENV-NCP-Together The acitvities in Environment Activity 3 Environmental Technologies Environmental technologies for observation, simulation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man-made environment Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat improved damage assessment on cultural heritage Technology assessment, verification and testing Activity 4 Earth observation and assessment tools Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development Forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development taking into account differing scales of observation
Introduction to EU Research Funding 11 ENV-NCP-Together Research Areas in Environment Climate change Natural hazards Environment and health Natural resources management Biodiversity Marine environment Land and Urban management Environmental technologies Earth observation Tools for sustainable development Cultural heritage © European Communities, Every year, new calls for proposals alre lauched, covereing a wide range of research topics including the following:
Introduction to EU Research Funding 12 ENV-NCP-Together International Cooperation in FP7 To ensure a balanced thematic and geographic participation by third countries and regions the international collaborative research in Cooperation is supported in several ways: Opening of the thematic areas to all third countries includes dedicated actions and calls for third countries. Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICAs) in each thematic area dedicated to third countries where there is mutual interest on the basis of both the S&T level and the needs of the countries concerned. Coordinated call is a Framework Programme call that is closely coordinated with a similar call issued by a funding agency in a third country.
Introduction to EU Research Funding 13 ENV-NCP-Together International collaborative research is supported in several ways to ensure a balanced thematic and geographic participation by third countries and regions: Research theme-oriented international cooperation will be carried out under the Cooperation programme. International actions in the area of human potential will be under the People programme. The Capacities programme will implement horizontal support actions and measures with a focus other than a specific thematic or interdisciplinary area. Specific International Cooperation Actions (SICAs) in each thematic area. This actions apply to the International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC)
Introduction to EU Research Funding 14 ENV-NCP-Together Is my country an ICPC? Cooperation with third countries in FP7 is notably targeted towards the Western Balkan (WBC), Eastern European and Central Asian counrties (EECA) and Sub-Saharan African countries ICPCs are classified according to three income groups: –Low-income country –Lower-middle-income country –Upper-middle-income country This classification will be important when dealing with financial issues of an FP7 project List of International Cooperation Partner Countries
Introduction to EU Research Funding 15 ENV-NCP-Together at least 3 independent partners in 3 different Member States (MS) or Associated Countries (AC) top-down: European Commission defines topics and format (‘funding scheme’) of projects funding limits depending on –types of participants –types of activity –location of partners Cooperation The General Rules
Introduction to EU Research Funding 16 ENV-NCP-Together Collaborative projectat least 3 independent legal entities, no 2 of which are established in the same MS/AC Coordination and support action (coordinating action) at least 3 independent legal entities, no 2 of which are established in the same MS/AC Collaborative project for specific cooperation actions (SICA) at least 4 independent legal entities, 2 of them established in different MS/AC, the other 2 must be established in different international cooperation partner countries (ICPC) Research for the benefit of specific groups at least 3 independent legal entities established in a MS/AC at least 1 of the legal entities has to be a civil society organisation (CSO). Funding schemes / minimum conditions
Introduction to EU Research Funding 17 ENV-NCP-Together Who can participate? The participation in FP7 is open to a wide range of organisations and individuals as: Research groups at universities or research institutes Companies intending to innovate Small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Public or governmental administration Early-stage (postgraduate Students) and experienced researchers Institution running research infrastructures of transnational interest Organisations and researchers from third countries International organisations Civil society organisations Etc.
Introduction to EU Research Funding 18 ENV-NCP-Together Maximum funding rates Research activities: – SMEs: 75% – Public bodies: 75% – Secondary and higher education establishments: 75% – Research organisations (non-profit): 75% – Multinational (large) Enterprises: 50 % Demonstration activities: 50% of eligible costs Coordination and support actions: 100% Overhead allows that projects can be100% financially covered COOPE- RATION
Introduction to EU Research Funding 19 ENV-NCP-Together Payment mechanisms for ICPC To get funded by the Commisssion, ICPC beneficiaries participating in FP7 projects have the choice between two payment modalities. Being reimbursed on the basis of: Actual CostsLump sum
Introduction to EU Research Funding 20 ENV-NCP-Together The lump-sum Mechanisme The Commission has defined for each group of ICPCs a reference lump-sum corresponding to a researcher yearly full-time job Country‘s Income category (full-time/year) Low-income 8,000€/year Lower-middle-income9,800€/year Upper-middle-income20,700€/year The lump-sum covers all the costs of an ICPC participant including not only the costs for personnel and travel, but also those of equipment, consumables and indirect costs. Guide to financial issues: ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/financialguide_en.pdf ftp://ftp.cordis.europa.eu/pub/fp7/docs/financialguide_en.pdf
Introduction to EU Research Funding 21 ENV-NCP-Together Reporting, Exploitation of Project Results, Audits by the EC, etc Project Management Reporting, Contract Changes etc. Contract Negotiation Procedural and Legal Aspects Evaluation by Independ. Experts Preparation Proposal Writing, Partnersearch etc… Idea Check Does my idea fit in with FP7? Where? 1 st Encounter What is FP7? How does it work? 3 months Support by NCP Networks Publication Deadline Result 6 months Contract 3-6 months Project Timeline
Introduction to EU Research Funding 22 ENV-NCP-Together Evaluation criteria Scientific and/or technological excellence relevant to the topics addressed by the call Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management appropriateness of the management structure and procedures quality and relevant experience of the individual participants The potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results Minimum threshold S/T quality3/5 Implementation3/5 Impact3/5 Overall threshold required 10/15
Introduction to EU Research Funding 23 ENV-NCP-Together Consortium What is important when setting up a consortium? -balanced consortium with complementary skills -reasonable representation of researchers & end-users -try to include private sector (industry and/or SMEs)
Introduction to EU Research Funding 24 ENV-NCP-Together Intelectual Property Rights It‘s about trust Science Be a trustful partner Follow rules of citation Deliver tasks timely Answer s within 2 days Innovation Stay with one consortium for one activity Respect patents Respect Background of participants Structure sharing of foreground according to the needs of all participants
Introduction to EU Research Funding 25 ENV-NCP-Together 12. The National Contact Point Project
Introduction to EU Research Funding 26 ENV-NCP-Together The Brandnew Project Website
Introduction to EU Research Funding 27 ENV-NCP-Together Concept and objectives The concept of the work plan is to mix training, practical work side-by-side with experienced NCPs and effective work to ensure that services offered by NCPs reach similar qualitative across Europe. The main objectives of this proposal are: 1. Strengthening the cooperation between NCPs from EU Member States by promoting transnational cooperation; 2. Reinforcing international cooperation with NCPs from some of the International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC) with high potential of participation to FP7 3. Increasing the number and improving the quality of project proposals submitted to FP7 calls for proposals by a better service offered by National Contact Points to potential proposers (scientific community industry, NGOs, etc.)