Presidents: Tragedy by scores By: Ryan Cavanaugh
Between 1840 and 1960 Every President elected with a year ending in 0 has died in office. William Henry Harrison Abraham Lincoln James A Garfield William McKinley Warren G Harding Franklin D Roosevelt John F Kennedy Elected in 1840 Elected in 1860 Elected in 1880 Elected in 1900 Elected in 1920 Elected in 1940 Elected in 1960
William Henry Harrison G Born Feb 9, 1773 in Virginia G Elected President in 1840 G Political Party - Whig G Vice President - John Tyler G Age of Inauguration - 68 G Died from pneumonia on April 4, 1841 G Spent only 30 days in office GHis death allowed the precedent of the Vice-President taking office
Abraham Lincoln G Born February12,1809 in Kentucky G Elected President in 1860 G Political Party - Republican GVice President - Andrew Johnson G Age of Inauguration - 52 G Reelected President in 1864
Lincoln Assassination GApril , 5 days after southern surrender GFord Theatre, Washington D.C. GOur American Cousins GShot in the head in balcony seat. GJohn Wilkes Boothe, an actor and southern sympathizer, was the assassin GBoothe escaped by horse to a Washington farm where he was found by Union soldiers and shot.
James A Garfield GBorn November 19, 1831 in Ohio GElected President in 1980 GPolitical Party- Republican GVice President- GAge of Inauguration- 50
Garfield Assassination Charles Julius Guiteau
William McKinley GBorn January 29, 1843 Ohio GElected President in 1896 and 1900 GPolitical Party- Republican GVice President- Theodore Roosevelt GAge of Inauguration- 54
McKinley Assassination Leon F Czolgosz
Warren G Harding GBorn November 2, 1865 in Ohio GElected President in 1920 GPolitical Party- Republican GVice President- GAge of Inauguration- 56
Franklin D Roosevelt GBorn January 30, 1882 New York GElected President in 1932, 1936, 1940, and 1944 GPolitical Party- Democrat GVice President- Harry S. Truman GAge of Inauguration 51
John F Kennedy GBorn May 29, 1917 in Massachusetts GElected President in 1960 GPolitical Party- Democrat GVice President- Lyndon B. Johnson GAge of Inauguration- 43
Kennedy Assassination Lee Harvey Oswald
Ronald Reagan The Lone Survivor GBorn February 6, 1911 in Illinois GElected President in 1980, 1984 GPolitical Party- Republican GVice President- GAge of Inauguration 70
Reagan Assassination Attempt John Hinckley Jr.
George Walker Bush? GBorn July 6, 1946 in Connecticut GElected President in 2000 GPolitical Party- Republican GVice President- Dick Cheney GAge of Inauguration 55