Better Health. No Hassles. Prevention PAYS! It’s a FREE physical, It’s at work, and It’s $25.00 in your pocket
Better Health. No Hassles.
The Flu Influenza (the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by a virus. There are 2 major types of flu viruses, type A and B, that circulate throughout the world each year. Symptoms of flu can be mild to severe, and at times can lead to death. In the United States, about million people become infected with the flu virus annually.
Better Health. No Hassles. Prevent the Flu from Infecting You Vaccination is the #1 way to prevent becoming infected and spreading the seasonal flu!
Better Health. No Hassles. I’m Healthy…I’ve Never Had the Flu… Not worried about yourself… Most of those who die are either the young or the old (think of your children, grandchildren and your parents). Flu-related deaths can result from pneumonia and from a worsening of heart and/or lung conditions and other chronic diseases. About 36,000 die from complications caused by the flu each year.
Better Health. No Hassles. Bottom Line It takes only a few minutes of your time but could $ave you a week’$ worth of lost work. Flu vaccines are available right now. You may also stop by the Health and Wellness Center. Your spouse/domestic partner may also receive a free flu vaccine.
Better Health. No Hassles. Don’t be caught unprotected by the seasonal flu virus! Get Vaccinated TODAY