2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt 2pt 3 pt 4 pt 5 pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4pt 5 pt 1pt GREEK WORLD MYCENAE & MINOANS GREEK CITY STATES ART & SCULPTURE GREEK THINKERS
Athens is here. * * * * * *
Where is Athens? *
Here is Sparta. * * * * * *
Where is Sparta? *
This is Crete. * * * * * *
Where is Crete? *
Here is Corinth. * * * * * *
Where is Corinth? *
Here is Thermopylae. * * * * * *
Where is Thermopylae? *
The Minoan civilization was centered at this location.
Where is Crete? *
Minoan government was believed to be dominated by this group, based on their art.
Who are women?
This was the name of the group that destroyed the Mycenaean civilization.
Who were the Dorians?
These are the names of the two poems about the Trojan War, written by Homer, the classical age poet.
What are the Illiad and the Odyssey?
This is the explanation as to why the period following the destruction of the Mycenaean civilization is referred to as a “Dark Age.”
What is we don’t know what happened during the period b/c of the near loss of Greeks’ ability to write?
This word means “city,” in Greek.
What is Polis?
Full members of Spartan society went through this process; they became citizens after its completion.
What was the agoge?
This Athenian wrote the first code of laws for that city; it was very harsh and anti- commoner, and included the establishment of debt slavery.
Who was Draco?
This was the name of the Persian ruler who sent troops to punish Athens in the First Persian War, ending in the battle of Marathon.
Who was Darius?
This was the name of the Spartan governmental office that looked out for the interests of the Spartan State; they could beat the king, if necessary.
What are ephors?
This is the name of the large temple dedicated to Athena, on the Acropolis in Athens; it was largely destroyed in 1687 during a siege.
What is the Parthenon?
The Classical period of Greek art ended in 336 BC, when this person led his Macedonian troops in conquest of Greece; his son, Alexander, would go on to conquer most of the known world.
Who is Philip of Macedon?
These are the three styles of Classical and Hellenistic architecture, as exemplified by the different styles of pillars we looked at in class.
What are Doric, Ionian, and Corinthian?
These are three of the Greek ancient wonders of the world that we looked at in class.
What are the Lighthouse at Pharos, the Colossus of Rhodes, the statue of Zeus at Olympus, and / or the Temple to Demeter in Ephesus?
This was the greatest sculptor of Classical Athens, whose workshop was excavated in the 1950s (found cup with his name on it...).
Who was Phideas?
This was the title of Plato’s book about the ideal form of government, led by a philosopher-king.
What is The Republic?
This philosopher believed in the idea of situational ethics; he was referred to as “the Philosopher” by medieval European scholars.
Who was Aristotle?
We know about this Greek philosopher only because Plato, his student, wrote down what he taught; he taught by questioning his students.
Who was Socrates?
This philosopher believed in a balancing between two vices to find virtue.
Who was Aristotle?
These are four beliefs of Socrates.
What are (1) all people should try to do good; (2) people who don’t do good are either evil or ignorant; (3) soldiers have a duty to refuse a bad order; (4) virtue is the key characteristic; and / or (5) republics led by philosopher kings is the best form of government?