Ancient Greece
Geography of Greece Location: Uneven Coastline Difficult to Unify Southern end of Balkan Peninsula Surrounded by water on 3 sides Adriatic Sea & Ionian Sea to West Mediterranean Sea to South Aegean Sea to East Uneven Coastline All of Greece had easy access to a sea Economy became based on sea industries Trade Fishing Sailing Difficult to Unify Mountain ranges run center of Greek mainland Jagged coasts divide sea villages Independent City-states developed
Early Greek Peoples The Minoans The Mycenaeans Located on Crete, island South of Greek mainland Named after King Minos Palace of Knosos Accomplishments: Frescoes – form of art where pigment was pushed into wet plaster on walls Metalworking – art made of bronze, gold, silver, etc. Developed written language, Linear B Economy based on sea-travel & trade Created series of sea ports on Asia Minor & Aegean islands Developed strong navy The Mycenaeans Controlled southern Greek mainland (Peloponnesus) Clans based on military/war leaders Built fort like cities Took over Crete
The City-States of Greece No Unified Nation, independent city-states developed instead The Polis Based on three main ideas The geographic territory The community it represented Political & economic independence Characteristics of most city-states Acropolis – hill on which the central fort and temples were found Agora – marketplace & main meeting place Usually small w/less than 10,000 people each Only free adult males had rights Most spoke same language & shared similar cultural beliefs
Greek Culture in Homeric Age Literature: Most Greeks were illiterate Literature passed through oral tradition oral traditions gathered into two main works by Homer The Iliad – epic poem about Trojan War between Mycenae and Troy The Odyssey – epic poem about the travels of Odysseus, a Mycenaean king, on his way home from the Trojan War Religion: Three main ideas about Greek religion Wanted to explain natural events Wanted to explain emotions & why people act the way they do Wanted certain benefits such a good luck, health, & good crops Concept of afterlife: the spirit went to the realm of Hades for either reward or punishment Religious beliefs explained in myths, stories about the gods Future could be predicted by oracles, special priests/priestesses
Greek Government The Aristocracy: City-states led by warrior chiefs Warrior chiefs relied on wealthy land owners for support Wealthy land owners known as aristocrats, or “best men” Aristocracy: the privileged upper social class Controlled military Acted as judges & leaders in communities Took over from the warrior chiefs Changes that weakened Aristocratic control on government Hoplite: non-aristocratic soldier, infantry Gained greater say in politics Farmers & poor citizens unhappy w/ aristocracy Tyrants take over A person who gains control of the government thru force Usually conditions improved in the beginning, but became brutal leaders later Democracy Develops Greece People overthrow tyrants Popular government developed: gov where the people rule themselves Democracy: gov where the citizens make the decisions for the city-state
Spartan Society Peloponnesus conquered by invaders from north Helots: the conquered people Capital located at village of Sparta Three Social Groups: Equals Descendents of the invaders Controlled the government Owned the land Half-Citizens Freemen who either farmed or worked in trades/artisans Served in the military No political power Helots Slaves Were kept under tight control, disobedience was violently dealt with
Spartan Government & Military Two Kings One king controlled the military One king controlled the home matters Council of Elders 28 male citizens over the age of 60 Proposed laws & held court The Assembly Included all landowning males over 30 Led by 5 Ephors who ensured kings acted within the law Voted to pass/reject laws made by council Controlled the education of the young The Military Every male became a member of the military Age 7, boys leave home to live in military barracks At age 18, training focused on war Age 20, active duty military Age 30, men could move out of the military barracks Age 60, men left the military to work for the public Education of Girls Focus on physical strength & to be devoted to the Spartan state
Society of Athens Located on Attic Peninsula Three Tier Society: Limited farming due to poor soil conditions Primarily focused on sea trade Three Tier Society: Citizens Men born in Athens, had full political rights Women born in Athens, did not have right to vote Metics Free people born outside of Athens Could not take part in government nor own land Slaves People captured in war Treated as property Freed slaves became Metics
Government of Athens Early Athenian Government: Led by aristocrats Only male, land-owning citizens could hold office All adult male citizens served in an assembly Elected generals during war times Led by Archons An elected committee of 9 Served 1 year terms Changes Come to Athenian Gov: Economic Problems Trade prospered, but farmers grew poorer Farmers sold into slaver to pay for debt Poor begin to riot & Solon becomes an Archon Outlaws the slavery for debt Set up courts made up of citizen jurors Cleisthenes Turns Athens into a democracy Creates a Council of 500 Court decisions made by citizen jurors
Daily Life In Athens Economics: Home & Family Agriculture: Extremely rugged landscape Terraced the hillsides grew olives, grapes, & figs Oversea Trade Established colonies throughout region Exported olive oil, wine, etc Imported grains & foodstuffs Home & Family Marriage & family central social unit Marriages were arranged Mother took care of all children until age 6 At age 7, boys under care of a pedagogue, teacher of manners
Education The Athenian Ideal: At age 18, all boys entered the military Stressed sound mind & body Wealthy boy received detailed education Subjects: Politics Reading Writing Poetry Music Gymnastics Sophists: Teachers of older boys Studied mathematics, government, ethics, & rhetoric Ethics: study of moral behavior Rhetoric: study of public speaking & debate At age 18, all boys entered the military
The Persian Wars Persia’s Attempts to Control Greece Under Reign of Darius Athenians colonize parts of Asia Minor & Greek colonists revolt against Persian rule Darius of Persia violent ends uprising Wanted to punish Athens for helping Greek colonists Hoped to take control of Greek mainland Conquers Thrace & Macedonia (North of Greece) Battle of Marathon Persia invades Greek mainland Athenians greatly outnumbered, but defeat Persians Origins of the marathon traced to this battle Persia’s Attempts to Control Greece Under Rule of Xerxes Leads attacks aimed at taking control of Greek mainland Greek city-states unite to prevent takeover Battle of Thermopylae 300 Spartans & Persian army clash at the mountain pass of Thermopylae Spartans held off Persian army for 3 days All Spartans died, but allowed other city-states to prepare Persia marches on to Athens Athens evacuated, Persia destroys Athens Persia attacks Athenian Navy at the Salamis Strait Athenian Navy better equipped for fighting in tight strait, Athens Wins Sparta & Athens Unite to defeat Persia at Plataea Greek city-states unit under the Delian League
Age of Pericles Pericles comes to rule in Athens Democracy in Athens His reign known as a time of cultural & political success Democracy in Athens All male citizens could hold public office Officeholders paid to work Positions chosen by lot so everyone had equal advantage Athens Expands: Colonies established to help trade Athenian Navy dominated the Aegean Sea Created a standard system of weights & measures Expanded Delian League Center of Delian League moved to Athens Relative peace amongst member nations Will include 140 member city-states
The Peloponnesian War Delian League losses power Tensions grow between Athens, Corinth, & Sparta Athens & Sparta became rivals Sparta invades the Attic Peninsula Destroyed villages & burned fields Athenians retreat to city of Athens Sparta tries to “starve” Athens Athenian navy brings in food supplies Siege lasts for years Plague breaks out in Athens, killing thousands Pericles dies War lasts 27 years Random periods of peace & war Athens surrendered to Sparta Constant war weakened both city-states Sparta unable to control all of Greece Thebes takes over weakened Sparta, but also unable to control all of Greece