2/27/021 Spaceport Vision Team Members
2/27/022 Systems Definition Spaceport System Spaceport Stakeholder Needs High-Level Trade Study Performance Gaps Vision Future Space System Needs Future Requirements Today's Spaceport System VISION TEAM FOCUS AREA TEAMS ASTWG ADVISORY FUNDING Technology Gaps Today’s Technology Future Technology Requirements Technology Trade Study Technology Development Macro Selection Priority Setting Project Implement- ation The ASTWG Technology Planning Process
2/27/023 Systems Definition Spaceport System Today’s Macro Space Transportation System Spaceport Environment Spaceport Technology in Context Spaceport System Today’s Macro Space Transportation System Spaceport Environment Spaceport Technology in Context Spaceport Stakeholder Needs High-Level Trade Study Performance Gaps Vision Future Space System Needs Future Requirements Today’s Spaceport System VISION TEAM FOCUS AREA TEAMS ASTWG ADVISORY FUNDING Technology Gaps Today’s Technology Future Technology Requirements Technology Trade Study Technology Development Macro Selection Priority Setting Project Implement- ation The ASTWG Technology Planning Process
2/27/024 Space Transportation System Today’s Macro Space Transportation System Payload Mission Accomplish in-flight mission Functions Power the system Communicate Perform in-flight tasks (communications, remote sensing, experimentation, manufacturing) Vehicle Mission Deliver payload/crew into space Return payloads/crew from space Functions Propel Navigation and Attitude Life support Abort, rescue Maintain environment (radiation, cleanliness, temperature, etc.) Spaceport Mission Provide infrastructure and services for safe access to/from space Functions Operations Process Vehicle Process Payload Launch Vehicle Land Vehicle Perform Data Analysis & Decision Making Collect, Process, Distribute, Display, & Archive Data Coordinate Spaceport Assets Infrastructure Provide Utilities Provide Logistics Secure Spaceport Protect Environment Educate Users Support Commerce Manage Spaceport Range Mission Provide for transport of humans and cargo to and from space Ensure public safety during operations Satisfy customer requirements Functions Commanding (terminate/abort flight and control of flight) Perform data analysis and decision making Collect, process, distribute, display, and archive data: Tracking data Telemetry data Surveillance data Weather data Provide communications architecture Coordinate Range Assets Mission and Flight Control Mission Provide for control, monitoring, and coordination of vehicles and payloads in space Provide necessary communications with vehicle in space Functions Provide communications architecture Perform data analysis and decision making Collect, process, distribute, display, and archive data: Tracking data Telemetry data Surveillance data Weather data
2/27/025 Space Transportation System Today’s Macro Space Transportation System Payload Mission Integrate payload and launch vehicle for flight Post landing deintegration Functions Non Human Payloads -Shipping & receiving -Assembly -Integration and Test -Vehicle installation -In-vehicle test operations -Post flight removal -Post flight testing -Storage -Disassembly Human Payloads -Emergency training -Medical Support -Personnel FSE Vehicle Mission Deliver payload/crew into space Return payloads/crew from space Functions Plan launch operations Pre and post flight vehicle processing Integrate payloads into launch vehicle operations. Limited modification and repair Spaceport Mission Provide infrastructure and services for safe access to/from space Functions Operations Process Vehicle Process Payload Launch Vehicle Land Vehicle Perform Data Analysis & Decision Making Collect, Process, Distribute, Display, & Archive Data Coordinate Spaceport Assets Infrastructure Provide Utilities Provide Logistics Secure Spaceport Protect Environment Educate Users Support Commerce Manage Spaceport Range Mission Provide for transport of humans and cargo to and from space Ensure public safety during operations Satisfy customer requirements Functions Commanding (terminate/abort flight and control of flight) Perform data analysis and decision making Collect, process, distribute, display, and archive data: Tracking data Telemetry data Surveillance data Weather data Provide communications architecture Coordinate Range Assets Mission and Flight Control Mission Launch and landing control Integrate launch and landing operations into national airspace Functions Integrate range and vehicle operations Coordinate vehicle ops and spaceport systems support Coordinate emergency services Support pre and post flight test operations
2/27/026 Spaceport Environment
2/27/027 Stakeholders establish Mission Organizations implement Functions within Architectures Technology creates Components to support evolving Architectures Changes in stakeholder needs change the mission and drives the need for new technologies Mission drives functions Components satisfy functions ASTWG Spaceport Technology in Context
2/27/028 Systems Definition Spaceport System Today’s Macro Space Transportation System Spaceport Environment Spaceport Technology in Context Spaceport Stakeholder Needs Spaceport Stakeholders’ High Level Needs Spaceport Stakeholder Needs Spaceport Stakeholders’ High Level Needs High-Level Trade Study Performance Gaps Vision Future Space System Needs Future Requirements Today’s Spaceport System VISION TEAM FOCUS AREA TEAMS ASTWG ADVISORY FUNDING Technology Gaps Today’s Technology Future Technology Requirements Technology Trade Study Technology Development Macro Selection Priority Setting Project Implement- ation The ASTWG Technology Planning Process
2/27/029 Stakeholder GroupStakeholders Today’s NeedsFuture Needs Spaceports (Owners & Operators) Launch Vehicle Providers & Developers (Customer) Payload Providers and Developers (Customers) Range Administrators (Oversight) Federal and State Governments (Funding and oversight) Federal Spaceports State Spaceports Commercial Spaceports Developing Spaceports DoD Civil Commercial Domestic & foreign DoD Civil Commercial U. S. Air Force U. S. Army U. S. Navy NASA State/Commercial U.S. Government FAA State Governments Spaceport Stakeholders’ High Level Needs Common Needs: Safety, Increased reliability, decreased cost, economic viability, decreased liability, greater flexibility, increased responsiveness High Launch rates of certified launch vehicles Opportunities to create viable new spaceports Consistent standards Community relations Minimal ground assets Auto checkout Ability to support various customers Multi-mode transportation Certification of RLV’s for overland use Minimal gov’t support Facilities, Utilities, and Services Predictable launch dates Competitive prices Standard/consistent services & interfaces Minimal impact to mission Vehicles with rapid turnaround times Minimize ground processing costs Competitive prices Increased launch rate Flexibility Standardization & commonality (fuels, interfaces) Regulation changes to support domestic and foreign Facilities, Utilities, and Services Predictable launch dates Rapid access to space Standard/consistent services & interfaces Large surge launch rate capability Short notice launch and landing world wide Reusability Standardization Facilities, Utilities, and Services Consistent compliance process Increased automation Low turnaround time between launches Reduced ground assets Full integration with FAA ATC, space surveillance network Economic competitiveness Environmental stewardship Workable, effective regulations Fiscal responsibility National vision and space policy Space technology becomes commercial and practical Regulatory processes that meet public safety and commerce needs Overriding national goal
2/27/0210 Systems Definition Spaceport System Today’s Macro Space Transportation System Spaceport Environment Spaceport Technology in Context Spaceport Stakeholder Needs Spaceport Stakeholders’ High Level Needs High-Level Trade Study Performance Gaps Vision Future Space System Needs Future Requirements Today’s Spaceport System Today’s Spaceport System Functions & Components Today’s Spaceport System Today’s Spaceport System Functions & Components VISION TEAM FOCUS AREA TEAMS ASTWG ADVISORY FUNDING Technology Gaps Today’s Technology Future Technology Requirements Technology Trade Study Technology Development Macro Selection Priority Setting Project Implement- ation The ASTWG Technology Planning Process
2/27/0211 Today’s Spaceport System Coordinate Spaceport Assets Collect, Process, Distribute, Display, & Archive Data Perform Data Analysis & Decision Making Land/Recover VehicleLaunch Vehicle Process Payload Process Vehicle Manage Spaceport Master Planning Zoning Regulatory Compliance Outreach Educate Users Interface with Public Tourism Protect Environment Licensing Monitor & Reporting Dispose of By-Products Secure Spaceport Fire Security Provide Logistics Supply Transportation Maintenance Provide Utilities Power Communications Support Commerce & Academics Business Development Commerce Park Private Sector Industry Space Tourism Operations Infrastructure
2/27/0212 A Point of Department Model of Generic Spaceport Functions Comprehensive Catalogs possible functions/sub-functions to build an analytical framework Framework should be common for both business and technical analysis Idea is to combine/eliminate as many sub-functions and functions as possible to create a viable architecture Framework to explore architectures with minimum infrastructure and labor force to produce regularly scheduled, affordable flights (See word file for detailed descriptions) (Abstract from Vision Spaceport Briefing)
2/27/0213 Today’s Spaceport System Functions & Components
2/27/0214 Systems Definition Spaceport System Today’s Macro Space Transportation System Spaceport Environment Spaceport Technology in Context Spaceport Stakeholder Needs Spaceport Stakeholders’ High Level Needs High-Level Trade Study Performance Gaps Vision Future Space System Needs Defining the Future Needs Future Space System Needs Defining the Future Needs Future Requirements Today’s Spaceport System Today’s Spaceport System Functions & Components VISION TEAM FOCUS AREA TEAMS ASTWG ADVISORY FUNDING Technology Gaps Today’s Technology Future Technology Requirements Technology Trade Study Technology Development Macro Selection Priority Setting Project Implement- ation The ASTWG Technology Planning Process
2/27/0215 Defining the Future Needs
2/27/0216 Systems Definition Spaceport System Today’s Macro Space Transportation System Spaceport Environment Spaceport Technology in Context Spaceport Stakeholder Needs Spaceport Stakeholders’ High Level Needs High-Level Trade Study Performance Gaps Vision Future Space System Needs Defining the Future Needs Future Requirements Today’s Spaceport System Today’s Spaceport System Functions & Components VISION TEAM FOCUS AREA TEAMS ASTWG ADVISORY FUNDING Technology Gaps Today’s Technology Future Technology Requirements Technology Trade Study Technology Development Macro Selection Priority Setting Project Implement- ation The ASTWG Technology Planning Process
2/27/0217 Defining the Ideal Spaceport. When you think of advanced spaceports such as those in Star Wars, The Jetsons, 2001: A Space Odyssey, or Star Trek: –What are the characteristics of the ideal spaceport? –What would the ideal spaceport “look like”? –What would the ideal spaceport provide or allow the users to accomplish? Brainstorm, don’t think about specific technologies. See input from ASTWG meeting for ideas
2/27/0218 Converting the Vision to Objectives. From the vision, what specific objectives, performance criteria, or measures can we use to define where we are and where we want to be?