Annual Report
Active Clients Women 678 Infants (<2 year) 474 Total 1142
Numbers of Families Assisted by: Case Management 678 Outreach 1,369 Education: 15,895 Presentations 710
Active Client Racial/Ethnic Origin White 65.1 % 66.0% 51.9% Black 24.6 % 24.0% 30.7% Native American 8.0 % 13.6% 14.1% Asian 1.2 % 0.3% 0.4% Hawaiian/Pacific.13 % 0.5% 0.9% Unknown 1.1 % 0.5% 1.9% Hispanic 34.5 % 28.7% 31.4%
Type of Insurance Coverage Title Title XIX Private None Unk XIX Private None Unk All Women 53.4% 0% 43.% 2.5% Pregnant Women 65% 1% 34% 1.0% Infants 77% 1% 19% 3.0% CSHCN 70% 3% 2% 21%
Outreach and Case Management Of Pregnant Women
Ethnic Comparison of Pregnant Participants Hispanic 36.2% 33.6% 28.7% 31.4% Not Hispanic 58.5% 65.0% 70.1% 66.7% Unknown 5.3 % 1.4% 0.6% 1.9%
Number of Pregnant Adolescent Participants Participants < Age Ages Ages Total
Entrance into Prenatal Care by Trimester First Trimester 59.8% 36.0% 35.6% 22.5% Second Trimester 36.0% 36.6% 43.3% 59.3% Third Trimester 7.3% 26.4% 21.1% 17.4% No Prenatal Care 0% 0% 0% 0%
Women Initiating Prenatal Care in the First Trimester by Ethnicity Non-Hispanic Women Goal 65% 40.2% 40% 25% Hispanic Women Goal 54% 26.6% 25% 19%
Non-Hispanic Women and Entry Into Care by Race 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Total 1 st 2 nd 3 rd Total White 21% 57% 20% 130 Black 20% 67% 13% 75 N. American 34% 52% 14% 44 Asian 0 100% 0 1 Pacific Is. 0 50% 50% 4
Hispanic Women and Entry into Care by Trimester 1 st Trimester 26.6% 24.7% 24.6% 2 nd Trimester 42.7% 44.7% 56.9% 3 rd Trimester 30.7% 30.5% 23.6%
Referrals Among Prenatal Clients Completed referrals 47.5% 85.1% Total referrals made 1,373 1,682 rt Goal 93%
Postpartum Women Receiving Interconceptional Services Goal 72% / / / % 97.5% 93.8%
Decrease in Smoking Behavior at 36 Weeks Smoking at Initial Risk Assessment 47 % 126/ Women quit, were not active, or had no assessment yet Continued to smoke at 36 Week Risk Assessment 36% 47/130 Goal 27%
Interconceptional Period Less than 24 Months. Women who delivered twice with last baby in Women with interconceptional period <24 months 9 HS percentage 53% Goal 29%
How Did the Babies Do?
Infants Recruited and Receiving Services Goal 80.0% / / / % 50% 70%
Infants Enrolled, Ages 0-12 months, by Race White 58.2% 46.7 % 53.4% Black 25.9% 34.2 % 32.9% Native American 6.0% 9.6 % 10.3% Asian 1.0% 0.4 % 0.6% Unknown 8.0% 2.9 % 1.9% Hispanic 30.4%
Completed Referrals Among Infants Referrals to Sooner Care, WIC, etc Completed Ref. Made % 93% 93%
Percent Low Birth Weight Babies Goal 7.0% /185 21/208 28/240 21/ % 10.1% 11.7% 10.8%
Very Low Birth Weight Babies Goal 1.2% /184 6/208 7/240 0/ % 2.9% 2.9% 0
Percent Preterm Births Goal 9% /180 26/208 29/240 19/ % 12.5% 12.1% 9.7%
Small for Gestational Age Babies Goal 6% /196 9/208 15/240 10/ % 4.3% 6.25% 5.1%
Large for Gestational Age Babies Goal 7% /208 10/240 8/ % 2.4% 4.1%
Fetal-Infant Deaths Baby 1 Baby2 Gest Age 23 wks Term Race African white American