Telford Local Delivery Unit Image by courtesy of the Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust George Branch ACO
Cost of Crime? In Telford £29.5 million.
Who are the Offenders: West Mercia Probation Trust Caseload by Age - Telford (as of 31 st December 2012)
GenderAge range No in age range GenderAge range No in age range Females Under 215 Males Under Total number of Females64 Total number of Males540 West Mercia Probation Trust Caseload by Age - Telford (as of 31 st December 2012)
Type of offences Offence Categories - Telford Caseload as of Burglary Criminal Damage Cruelty to Animals Drug Offences Firearms Offences Fraud & Forgery Indictable Motoring Offences Other Indictable Other Summary Robbery Sex Offences Summary Motoring Theft/Handling Violence Against the Person Breach of Order Offence Category (Main offence on Delius) No of sentences with this as a main offence
West Mercia Probation Trust Ethnicity Categories – Violent Offences Female Offenders on Telford Caseload as of Race & Ethni c Code Fem ale Asia n or Asia n Britis h - Chin ese Asia n or Asia n Britis h - India n Asia n or Asia n Britis h - Othe r Asia n or Asia n Britis h - Paki stani Blac k or Blac k Britis h - Afric an Blac k or Blac k Britis h - Cari bbea n 1 Mixe d - Othe r 1 Mixe d - Whit e & Blac k Cari bbea n 1 Refu sal 1 Whit e - Britis h/En glish/ Wels h/Sc ot/NI 25 Whit e - Gyps y or Irish Trav eller 1 Whit e - Irish Whit e - Othe r Gran d Total 30 Race & Ethnic Code Femal e Asian or Asian British - Chinese Asian or Asian British - Indian Asian or Asian British - Other Asian or Asian British - Pakistani Black or Black British - African Black or Black British - Caribbean1 Mixed - Other1 Mixed - White & Black Caribbean1 Refusal1 White - British/English/Welsh/Scot/NI 25 White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller1 White - Irish White - Other Grand Total30
Race & Ethnic Code M al e Asian or Asian British - Chinese 1 Asian or Asian British - Indian 6 Asian or Asian British - Other 2 Asian or Asian British - Pakistani 5 Black or Black British - African 1 Black or Black British - Caribbea n 7 Refusal Mixed - Other 2 Mixed - White & Black Caribbea n 5 White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller White - British/E nglish/W elsh/Sco t/NI White - Irish 1 White - Other 5 Grand Total West Mercia Probation Trust Ethnicity Categories – Violent Offences Male Offenders on Telford Caseload as of Race & Ethnic CodeMale Asian or Asian British - Chinese1 Asian or Asian British - Indian6 Asian or Asian British - Other2 Asian or Asian British - Pakistani5 Black or Black British - African1 Black or Black British - Caribbean7 Refusal Mixed - Other2 Mixed - White & Black Caribbean5 White - Gypsy or Irish Traveller White - British/English/Welsh/Scot/NI180 White - Irish1 White - Other5 Grand Total215
Sentence Type 234 on a Community Order 84 on a Suspended Sentence Order 272 in Custody 39 Lifers
Priority Offender Groups & Local Key Targets High risk of re-offending IOM Cohort BME Women Complex Needs Young Offenders
Areas of Business Needs BME – culturally specific interventions Men and/or women with anger management issues (violent offenders, but not domestic violence) Assist in resolving conflict/violence between individuals and communities Offenders on release from custody ETE – links with employers