Novosibirsk state technical university NSTU gained its status of a technical university in 1992 Author: Krasnikova T. P.
Outline History of NSTU; Faculties; Qualifications; Campus.
Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering was founded; NSTU gained its status of a technical university; 1960 – the first teaching block was elevated; 1954 – the first hostel was built.
Faculties Automation and Computer Engineerin g Mechanics and Technology Aircraft Business Power Engineering Humanities Mechanics and Automatisation Physical Engineering Applied Mathematics and Informatics Radio Engineerin g and Electronics Rehabilitatio n Juristic Extramural
Qualifications Bachelor of Science Engineer’s degree Master of Science Candidate of Science degree in Engineering
Campus 8 students hostels; Policlinics; A sport center with gyms; A swimming pool; A ski lodge; A recreation center.
R EFERENCES доц. К.В. Пиоттух, ст. преп. О.А. Калинкина,ст. преп. А.Е. Гамм, преп. Е.А. Давидсон, ст. преп. Е.А. Зотова, ст. преп. О.И. Кондратьева, преп. Е.Г. Калинина, ст. преп. Т.Н. Климентьева, преп. А.Ю. Алябьева АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК БАЗОВЫЙ КУРС Методические указания для студентов первого курса всех технических специальностей, Новосибирский государственный технический университет, 2007