Participation funded by: Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences Eng.Asmaa F. Al-ateeq Bachelor Degree In Computer Engineering Kuwait University (Year 2007) Team Leader, Kuwait E Content Award Technical Team (4 Years) Project produced : Smart Phone For Deaf
My Experience In e-Content 1- Kuwait e-Content Award (KeA): Team Leader of technical team Preparing the projects of the applicant’s before the Judging process begins. Helping jurors to operate the projects during the Judging process. 1 Decide collaboration technique 2 Analyze projects 3 Interaction with the participants 4 Receive, Test & Check projects 5 Preparing Lab 6 Transfer data to WSA panel 7 Help jury in Lab Tech team plan
My Experience In e-Content (Cont) 2- Personal project experience in e-Content Smart phone for deaf (a winner of KeA) A mobile application designed for deaf people. It helps them to communicate with normal people via voice call of the mobile without using the sign language. Text Smart Phone System Speech Normal Person Mobile Normal person Deaf Person
My Experience In e-Content (Cont) Project features: A Deaf person call and talk any person such as family, friend, emergency and restaurant without any difficulties. The system convert the voice of the caller to a text and vise versa which makes the communication easy. It can be used by any deaf person with different ages and skills. The system help deaf people to express his feeling with the sound emotions provided. The system supported with different text templates for fast conversation.
Obstacles And Challenges In e-Content 1.Arabic voice recognition. 2.Installation in different mobile brands. 3.Continuity of the team members. 4.Design the Customized mobile. 5.Sponsors and supports.
e-Content In Kuwait The concept of e-content became more clear and the idea of any e-content project. Working with the technical team members and listening to the discussion of jurors improves the thoughts and the changes the skills which is helpful to starts any e-content project. The competition encourage people to produce more e-content protects.
Participation funded by: Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences Contact me at: Mobile :