AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Crystal Wilcox Week 3: February 1st, 2007 Structures Group Mars Habitat, Transfer Vehicle (Crew Hab)
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Mars Habitat Specifications Mass, Volume, Thickness of Radiation Shielding and Material Living Quarters:Surface Area (m 2 )Volume (m 3 ) Thickness (m)Volume (m 3 )Mass (kg) Polyethylene Aluminum Total LQ Shielding Common Area:Surface Area (m 2 )Volume (m 3 ) Thickness (m)Volume (m 3 )Mass (kg) Polyethylene Aluminum Total CA Shielding MaterialThickness (m)Volume (m 3 )Mass AL (kg) Aluminum Structure + Shielding Systems Section: Thickness (m)Volume (m 3 )Mass (kg) Polyethylene Aluminum Aluminum Total SS Shielding Mitchell's Numbers from Human Factors For Radiation Shielding MassConsumablesShieldingMaterialSystems (kg) VolumeConsumablesShieldingMaterialSystems (m^3) Total Mass (kg) Total Volume (m^3) Total Volume of Shell (m^3)
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Height (m)Diameter (m)Surface Area (m2) Living Quarters: Common Area: Systems Section:
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Schematic Living Quarters –Center of Habitat. –Taller Than the Common Area surrounding it. –More Radiation Shielding. –Separated in 4 Sections for Private Quarters. –One Bed on Floor. –One Bed that Comes out of the inner wall Closest to the center.
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Schematic Common Area –Kitchen Area –Bathroom Area –Small Food Storage Area –Rest is Split up into 4 common rooms Supply Area –Below the Common Area/Living Quarters –Atmosphere Supply –Water Supply –Mass Food Storage
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Material Properties Elastic Modulus (Pa)Poisson's RatioDensity (kg/m^3) Yield Strength (Pa) Ultimate Tensile Strength (Pa) Shear Modulus (Pa) Aluminum Density (kg/m^3)Volume (m^3) for thickness in living quartersVolume (m^3) for thickness in Common Area Polyethylene Aluminum Volume = Surface Area x Thickness
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Forces and Stress Common Area MarsEarth Forces (N) Stress (Pa) System Area MarsEarth Forces Stress These Stresses pass the Yield Strength of the Aluminum 7075
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Calculations Surface Area of a Cylinder = 2*pi*r^2 +2*pi*r*h Mass = Density x Volume Volume = M AL7075 / Density AL7075 Volume = pi*h*t AL7075 *(D – t AL7075 ) Stress = Force / (Base*thickness) F mars = (M rs + M AL7075 )x(0.38g) F Earth = (M rs + M AL7075 )x(1g)
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Kate Mitchell’s Totals Total Mass and Volume for Habitat 2 Water total and Food Total ComponentMass (kg)Volume (m 3 ) Consumables* Crew Accommodations Water Recycling System Atmospheric Supply System Private Quarters Crew Common Area Radiation Shielding Totals Conservative (120%) Totals
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Kate Mitchell’s ComponentsMass (kg/p)Mass (kg)Volume (m3/p) Volume (m3) Sabatier Reactor (2x) [5] O2 Tankage [1] N2 Tankage [1] Contaminant Control System [5] Redundant Parts (10% system hardware) Totals Water Recycling System CO 2 Removal/Oxygen Generation System Water Recycling SystemMassUnitsMass (kg)VolumeUnitsVolume (m3) Vapor Compression Distillation (VCD) (2x) [5] 50kg/p2000.2m3/p0.8
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Kate Mitchell’s MassMass UnitsSubtotal (kg)VolumeVolume UnitsSubtotal (m 3 ) Galley and Food Systems Cooking/eating supplies (pans, plastic dishes, plates, etc.)5kg/p m3/p Freezers0.75kg/kg food m3/kg food Conventional Oven50kg500.25m30.25 Microwave oven35kg350.15m30.15 Sink, spigot for hydration of food and drinking water15kg m Dishwasher40kg400.56m30.56 Waste Collection System Waste Collection System (1 toilet)45kg452.18m32.18 Personal Hygiene Shower75kg751.41m31.41 Handwash/mouthwash faucet8kg80.01m30.01 Personal hygiene kit1.8kg/p m3/p0.03 Clothing Washing machine100kg m30.75 Clothes dryer60kg600.75m30.75 Recreational Equipment and Personal Stowage Personal stowage/closet space50kg/p m3/p4.5 Housekeeping Vacuum (prime + 1 spare)8.7kg m30.05 Trash compactor/trash lock150kg1500.3m30.3 Crew Health Care Exercise equipment145kg m30.19 Medical/Surgical/Dental suite1000kg10004m34 Medical/Surgical/Dental consumables500kg5002.5m32.5
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – Mitchell’s Consumables ConsumableMassMass UnitsHAB1 (kg)HAB2 (kg) Kitchen/oven cleaning supplies (fluids, sponges, etc)0.25kg/d WCS supplies (toilet paper, cleaning solutions, filters, etc.)0.05kg/p/d Contingency fecal and urine collection mittens/bags0.23kg/p/d (15 days)13.8 Hygiene supplies0.075kg/p/d Clothing99kg/p396 Trash bags0.05kg/p/d Total Mass ConsumableVolumeVolume UnitsHAB1 (m3)HAB2 (m3) Kitchen/oven cleaning supplies (fluids, sponges, etc)0.0018m3/d WCS supplies (toilet paper, cleaning solutions, filters, etc.)0.0013m3/p/d Contingency fecal and urine collection mittens/bags0.0008m3/p/d (15 days)0.048 Hygiene supplies0.0015m3/p/d Clothing0.336m3/p1.344 Trash bags0.002m3/p/d Total Volume
AAE450 Senior Spacecraft Design Backup – References Specifications From Breanne and Kirk Kate Mitchell’s Mass and Volume Numbers From Human Factors AAE 454 Webct Detailed notes