+ Welcome Hannah,Grace,Mia, Claire,Brennen, and Alec To your match banquet
+ summary Cassia lives in a perfect society, at least that’s what the government thinks. Everyone dies at the same age, unless something happens before you turn eighty. If you choose to be matched the matching officials will decide who you are matched too. There is very little freedom in Cassia’s world. You also get assigned your job and you go to school up until your job is assigned. Cassia gets assigned a match from her community which is uncommon but possible. Cassia suspects something when the information of her match changes. Someone elses information shows up. Cassia gets sick of her lifestyle and wants a better community. Does she ever get her freedom? She finds out a lot of things she is not supposed to know. Read matched to see what happens to Cassia and her family.
+ Hannah Job: chef Personality: Creative, Outgoing Age: 12
+ Your Match Is Cole Dylan Sprouse
+ Grace Job: Actress Personality: Caring, Artistic Age:12
+ Your Match Is Jack Griffo
+ Claire Job: Photographer Personality: Brave, Dependable Age: 11 3/4
+ Your Match Is Cameron Boyce
+ Alec Job: Manager Personality: Active, Happy Age: 12
+ Your Match Is Lizzy Greene
+ Mia Job: Fashion Designer Personality: Kind, Responsible Age: 11 3/4
+ Your Match Is Peyton Meyer
+ Brennen Job: Police Officer Personality: Loud, Funny Age: 12
+ Your Match Is Autumn Miller
+ Your Match Banquet Is Over