Evaluating Media Messages Senior Social Studies
What are media messages? Media messages are those distributed by organizations with the intent of communicating an idea or ideas to a wide audience. Media messages are those distributed by organizations with the intent of communicating an idea or ideas to a wide audience. Media messages are constructed in different ways for different purposes. Media messages are constructed in different ways for different purposes.
Objective: Evaluate how and why messages are: 1) constructed using particular tools (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual and interactive elements) 2) constructed using particular characteristics (e.g., style, tone, organization) 3) constructed using particular conventions (e.g., use of evidence, point of view, citations)... for unique purposes.
Why does it matter? Communication methods influence the ways people define and act on issues. Media messages affect public opinion on issues and organizations adjust their messages for different audiences.
Syllabus Watch “The Persuaders” at Watch “The Persuaders” at Marketing Products Marketing Products Marketing Culture Marketing Culture Marketing Politics Marketing Politics Complete analysis questions Complete analysis questions Mrs. Gerken’s Webpage: copy and paste into your Google Docs and share with Mrs. Gerken & Mr. Fechuch Mrs. Gerken’s Webpage: copy and paste into your Google Docs and share with Mrs. Gerken & Mr. Fechuch Complete “Advertising Code of Ethics” project Complete “Advertising Code of Ethics” project
Advertising Code of Ethics "The Persuaders" makes clear that marketing has an impact on society beyond its ability to convince consumers to buy a particular product or not. "The Persuaders" makes clear that marketing has an impact on society beyond its ability to convince consumers to buy a particular product or not. Consider the responsibilities of an advertiser in a democratic society and develop a code of ethics for sponsors and creators of advertising. To get started, look at some examples of advertising ethics policies, like the Vatican's statement on advertising. An industry example is available from the American Marketing Association. To get started, look at some examples of advertising ethics policies, like the Vatican's statement on advertising. An industry example is available from the American Marketing Association.statement on advertising American Marketing Associationstatement on advertising American Marketing Association