1 Trigger “box” and related TDAQ organization Nick Ellis and Xin Wu Chris Bee and Livio Mapelli.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Trigger “box” and related TDAQ organization Nick Ellis and Xin Wu Chris Bee and Livio Mapelli

2 Coordination bodies related to Trigger Trigger coordination group  Representatives from the main areas of activity Some appointed by Trigger coordinator Some appointed by TDAQ –Analogous to Physics coordination where Combined Performance convenors are appointed by Systems  Liaison to other areas of ATLAS Physics (via Physics coordinator) Detector systems (via Data Preparation coordinator) Detector operations (via link person to Run coordination) Software and computing (via representation in CMB, SPMB, GRC, and other bodies) Additional groups follow each area in more detail  Trigger core software, slices and slice performance Including algorithm performance optimisation within slices  Trigger menus Including rate / efficiency optimisation across slices  Trigger releases and validation Trigger software validation subgroup

3 Trigger coordination group (mandate) Overall coordination of the Trigger area  Including related aspects of TDAQ under responsibility of members nominated by the TDAQ system Also members of the TDSG Strategic planning for the ATLAS Trigger area Oversight of Trigger activities  Trigger core software, slices and slice performance  Trigger menus  Trigger releases and validation Organize ad-hoc topical meetings/workshops as required  E.g. trigger efficiency measurement from real data Notes  Aim to avoid duplicating presentations from open meetings (which group members should follow) Receive appropriate focused reports on issues requiring strategic decisions or follow-up  Detailed work delegated to other groups Only consider in detail issues that can’t be factorized or can’t be resolved in the other bodies  Need to define responsibilities for documentation and support Some aspects delegated to the other groups  We anticipate that the Trigger organization may evolve over the coming months in the light of experience and also as we move into data taking

4 Trigger coordination group (membership) Overall coordination  Trigger coordinator – Nick Ellis  Deputy Trigger coordinator – Xin Wu  TDMT Representative – Chris Bee * Major activity areas  Trigger core software, slices and slice performance – John Baines *  Trigger menus – Srini Rajagopalan  Trigger releases and validation – Simon George * Liaison  Physics - Karl Jakobs / Dave Charlton Dave has been identified by Physics Coordinators as the main contact for Trigger  Data Preparation - Claude Guyot / Andreas Hoecker Provides link to detectors  Run coordination – Xin Wu Requires further discussion and possibly strengthening as we move into data taking  Software - David Quarrie Simon George in SPMB  HLT/DAQ - Cristobal Padilla *  LVL1 - tbd * Other members  Trigger validation – Ricardo Goncalo / David Strom *  Trigger core software - tbd *  Two or three additional people with in-depth experience of triggering Including some with experience on Tevatron experiments Ex officio  ATLAS management * = nominated by TDAQ in consultation with Trigger coordinator

5 Trigger core software, slices and slice performance Coordination Group (mandate) Coordinate work in slices on  Development of LVL2 and adaptation of offline code for EF algorithms  Performance studies within slices  Planning and preparing for releases of trigger-slice software Coordinate work in core software (Steering, configuration, tools for trigger-aware analysis, etc.)  Planning new and modified functionalities for future releases  Following up on implementation in current release Organize regular open working meetings Organize support for online running  Documentation, training and experts on call Coordinate requests for data production for trigger studies  Setting priorities for data production with different releases, etc Need to identify person responsible for this Organize support for offline trigger analysis  Including documentation, training and “helpdesk”? Note - the individual slices are involved in  Strong liaison with corresponding Combined Performance groups  Validation of their slice both offline and online  Providing support and documentation for their software

6 Trigger core software, slices and slice performance Coordination Group Overall coordinator - John Baines Slices (John Baines)  LVL1 Muon Calorimeter CTP  HLT Muon Electron Photon Tau Jet ETmiss B-physics B-jet Minimum-bias Cosmics  Detector-related software ID Calo Muon  Online integration Core Software (tbd)  Steering  Trigger Configuration  EDM  TriggerDecision interface  Trigger Analysis tools EventView, etc TriggerRate tool Other tools Ex-officio  Overall coordinators Chris Bee, Nick Ellis, Xin Wu  Trigger Menu Srini Rajagopalan  Releases and validation Simon George  HLT/DAQ Cristobal Padilla

7 Trigger software releases and validation coordination group (mandate) Organize and oversee Trigger release integration and validation  Liaise with SPMB & GRC Responsible for ensuring that Trigger software has been thoroughly validated prior to mass production of (Monte Carlo or real) data or use in online running  Set up and monitor procedures and tools for trigger software validation  Perform regular validation of trigger software Per slice, per component, and overall Procedures and sign-off  Liaison to physics and offline software validation groups  Liaison for offline production

8 Trigger releases and validation coordination group (membership) Overall coordinator  Simon George Development and maintenance of tools and procedures  tbd Coordinators for core software and slices, and for menus  John Baines  tbd for core software  Srini Rajagopalan Trigger software validation subgroup coordinators  Ricardo Goncalo  David Strom Data-quality monitoring representative  tbd Trigger software validation subgroup members participate according to agenda  Current list of validation responsibles to be updated  Ex-officio  Overall coordinators Chris Bee, Nick Ellis, Xin Wu

9 Trigger menus Coordination Group (mandate) Interact with Physics, Combined Performance, Trigger, and Data- Preparation groups on trigger menu issues Receive and discuss requests for new/modified trigger items, rate sharing, stream definitions, pre-scale factors, etc Oversee overall trigger menu development: evolution, optimization, validation and rate studies  This will involve reaching compromises between different, competing objectives  Including express-stream menu Define and enforce technical acceptance procedures for new or updated trigger menus and items (online and offline) Organize support for offline trigger analysis  Including documentation Organize regular open working meetings

10 Trigger menus Coordination Group (membership) Overall coordinator  Srini Rajagopalan Physics group contact people (with authority to represent their groups)  One representative per Physics working group  Plus Physics Coordinators Combined-Performance group contact people (with authority to represent their groups)  One representative per Combined-Performance group Trigger slice coordinators (with authority to represent their groups)  Plus John Baines as overall responsible Data Preparation coordinators  Provide link to detector systems (e.g. for issues of triggers for calibration, alignment and monitoring) Trigger meisters (for technical implementation of the menu) Other people invited according to agenda Ex-officio  Overall coordinators Chris Bee, Nick Ellis, Xin Wu