The Solar System Review. Question 1: Name the inner planets from closest to farthest from the sun.


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Presentation transcript:

The Solar System Review

Question 1: Name the inner planets from closest to farthest from the sun.

Answer: Mercury Venus Earth Mars

Question 2: Describe the relative size of the inner planets.

Answer: The inner planets are smaller than the outer planets except for Pluto.

Question 3: Describe the relative distance of the inner planets from each other.

Answer: The inner planets are closer together (and to the sun) than the outer planets.

Question 4: Describe the surface (composition) of the inner planets.

Answer: The inner planets are all composed of rock.

Question 5: Describe the location of the asteroid belt.

Answer: The asteroid belt is located between Mars and Jupiter (the inner and outer planets).

Question 6: Name the outer planets from closest to farthest from the sun.

Answer: Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto

Question 7: Describe the relative size of the outer planets.

Answer: The outer planets are much larger than the inner planets except for Pluto.

Question 8: Describe the relative distance of the outer planets from each other.

Answer: The outer planets are much farther apart (and farther from the sun) than the inner planets.

Question 9: Describe the surface (composition) of the outer planets.

Answer: The outer planets are composed of gases. Pluto’s surface is made of rock like the inner planets.

Question 1o: List 2 ways Pluto is different from the other outer planets.

Answer: Pluto is small compared to the other outer planets. Pluto is composed of rock compared to the “gas giants.” Pluto does not have any rings.

Question 11: List 3 reasons humans cannot live on other planets.

Answer: Extreme temperatures Gas surfaces (composition) Minimal or no oxygen Too much or too little pressure No drinkable, liquid water Extreme weather

Question 12: These two forces keep the planets from flying out of the solar system.

Answer: Gravity and Inertia

Question 13: What is the tendency of a moving object to continue moving in a straight line?

Answer: Inertia

Question 14: What is the force that attracts objects toward each other?

Answer: Gravity

Why don’t the planets fly out of the solar system? Explain in detail!

Question 15: Which planet is the closest in size to Earth?

Answer: Venus

Question 16: Which two planets make up over 95% of the mass of all the planets?

Answer: Jupiter and Saturn

Question 17: What is the innermost layer of the Sun?

Answer: Core

Question 18: Which layer of the Sun is visible to us on Earth? (the one that we see)

Answer: Photosphere

Question 19: Which outer layer of the Sun is only visible to us during a solar eclipse?

Answer: Corona

Question 20: What are the dark, cooler spots on the photosphere called?

Answer: Sun Spots

Question 21: What is the name of the middle layer of the sun which gives off a reddish glow during a solar eclipse?

Answer: Chromosphere

Question 22: What are the explosions that occur on the Sun which release large amounts of energy called?

Answer: Solar Flares