By: Melody Taylor
Mercury - Zero moons, appearance looks grey Venus- Zero moons, appearance looks yellowish- white Earth- 1 moon, appearance looks light blue Mars- 2 moons, appearance looks red & orange Separation Between Inner and Outer Planets Jupiter- 63 moons, largest planet, appearance looks orange Saturn- 61 moons, appearance looks pale yellow Uranus- 32 moons, appearance looks light blue Neptune -18 moons, appearance looks light blue
All the planets are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune Inner Planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars Outer Planets : Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune LARGEST Planet: Jupiter Smallest Planet: Mercury Pluto and Eris are some dwarf planets
70% of Earth’s surface is WATER 30% of Earth’s surface is LAND Another name for Earth is Terra What is the difference between an ocean and a sea? Seas are smaller than oceans and are usually located where the land and ocean meet. Seas are partially enclosed by land.
Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Southern Ocean Artic Ocean Largest- Pacific Smallest-Artic
There are 7 continents. Did you know that whatever letter the continent starts with that’s what letter it ends with! North America South America Asia Africa Europe Antarctica Australia
Its appearance looks red. It is called the Red Planet. It is called the Red Planet because of iron oxide dust- AKA rust. The name of the highest mountain on Mars is called Olympus Mons – which is 16 miles high. which is about 3 times higher that Mt. Everest.
There are no oceans or seas on Mars The Grand Canyon on Mars is called Valles Marineris. Mars’ ice caps are made of water ice.
Has been on Mars since August 2012 It landed in the equator of Mars It found water ice on Mars Found No living things on Mars The rover is as big as a car
They are both inner planets They are in our solar system They have at least 1 moon They both are rocky planets They both contain Metal They both have atmospheres
Mars has 2 moons and Earth has 1 Mars is a reddish appearance and Earth has a blue and greenish There is no life on Mars Earth is 92,960,000 miles from the sun Mars is 141,600,000 miles from the sun There are 365 days in an Earth year There are 687 days in a Mars year.
I have learned a lot about the planets from my research. I have learned about Curiosity the rover. This has been a fun project for me and I have expanded my knowledge of the Solar System.