What we do… Learn to play different sports—rules, skills Learn how to get along Learn the importance of fitness Have fun
How do I get a grade… Participate Dress Tests
What is participation? You must participate. You do the activity the class is doing. Notes from home do not excuse you from participating. If you miss a day because you are sick, hurt, gone, …you must make it up Always do your best—no more- no less
Citizenship … H –above and beyond expected S – normal behavior—0-2 marks(tardies behavior marks, etc.) N – 3-4 marks U – 5+ marks, insubordination, truants, etc.
What does it mean to dress in P.E…. You must change into your gym clothes!!! Shirt Shorts Non marking shoes The following are optional and recommended…socks, compression shorts, hoodie, extra set of clothes
More examples
Why do I have to dress…. To protect your school clothes…..from dirt & damage. So you will have friends next period. (good hygiene) * Perform better
How do I make up P.E. You come in before or after school and run for 20 min. (See a teacher before you begin.) ((some mornings we have a longboard makeup in the gym))
What if I play sports or dance after school? Can that count for make up? We encourage everyone to be active and participate in extracurricular activities but to be fair to every one they will not count for make up
What if I am on vacation….. See your teacher before you go and they will give you your assignment
What if I’m hurt… Do your best! Asthma, broken bones, illness, sprains, etc. We will work with you on an individual basis.
Where do I put my clothes and dress… We will assign you a locker and give you a lock in the locker room. You need to keep your combination to yourself and keep your stuff locked up. No glass or food> Do not bring valuables like money, electronics, backpacks, etc Bring deodorant
Showering You can shower after working out if you want. Bring your own towel. Take your clothes home every week to wash. The shower bell does not excuse you to go get dressed. Use the outside restroom door to come into the school when we are outside Do not cut through the gym to go to your next class
Blog Check Mr. Harris’ blog for all this information and other cool stuff. There are pages that have pictures of class champs and the Orion 5k race. You will find the disclosure you need to have your parents read and sign and bring back. You can me that they have read and understand. Do not respond to the disclosure on the blog.
Don’t do……. Ask what were doing ( ten pushups for asking ) Shake the locks Slam lockers Touch equipment before we begin Horseplay before roll call (or ever) Touching the rim or net Do not climb on bleachers