Real Number Classification
Write down this problem on your COMMUNICATOR Be prepared to share your work with the class. Page ?? of your INB Classify 0 as a rational, irrational, integer, whole, natural number or some combination of the groups above.
Have your homework out on your desk.
Hey You. Try this CHALLENGE question: Write this Rational Number as a fraction:
Get into your 4-Square Groups Page ?? of your INB Classify 0 as a rational, irrational, integer, whole, natural number or some combination of the groups above.
RATIONAL NUMBERS Decimals that terminate or repeat. Examples: and 0.555… IRRATIONAL NUMBERS Real numbers that are NOT RATIONAL The CRAZY Ones! X
Use your Communicators Write an I on one side for Irrational and R on the other side Rational … … Are these numbers Rational/Irrational? R
Class Activity Rational/Irrational SKIT
1, 2, 3, 4…0 … -4, -3, Decimals that repeat Decimals that terminate Decimals that repeat Decimals that terminate X X X X X
IN YOUR GROUPS Place the following numbers in their Appropriate boxes in your foldable … …
1, 2, 3, 4…0 … -4, -3, Decimals that repeat and terminate Decimals that do not terminate or repeat 0.444… … Square roots of Non- Perfect Squares Cube roots of Non- Perfect Cubes X
Let’s go back to our “I can” statement and solve it with our new skills. 0 Classify 0 as a rational, irrational, integer, whole, natural number or some combination of the groups above.
SHOW YOUR WORK Worksheet 5.3 Number Classification