Kindergarten Curriculum Night Melissa Holmes Barbara Quinn Melody Thigpen
Reading Concepts of Print Knows front and back of book Knows where to begin reading Knows left to right and top to bottom Points word to word when reading Knows difference between letters and words
Continued Identifies punctuation marks: period, exclamation point, comma, question mark, quotation marks Connect stories to personal experiences Demonstrates sense of story: beginning, middle, end
Important reading strategies when reading with your child: Read nightly with your child Have your child point to words while reading Use picture clues (do not cover up pictures) Give them wait time (thinking time) Cross check visual and meaning cues Listening for sounds in words
Continued Identifies characters, setting and events of story Identifies words that begin with the same sound Recognizes high frequency words Reads or begins to read Retells events in story
Wri ting Writes left to right and top to bottom Writes most letters of the alphabet Uses inventive spelling when writing Uses spaces between words Reads or attempts to read own writing Writes simple sentences Demonstrates sense of story: beginning, middle, end
Calendar Time Days of the week (what comes before and after) Months of the year (what comes before and after) Seasons (what comes before and after) Graphing (most, least, equal) Counting Patterns (AB, ABB, AABB) Alphabet and letter sounds Punctuation marks
Math Rote counting 1-30 or above by end of year Identify numbers 1-30 out sequence and draw the correct number of objects for each number Reads and writes numbers 1-30 Uses ordinal numbers 1 st -10 th
Recognize equivalence in sets Shares equally between two people and can explain ( same amount) Describes likenesses and differences in shapes Model and use directional/positional words Completes spatial visualization tasks/puzzle
Copies and creates simple patterns with actions, words, and objects (AB, ABB, AABB)
Kindergarten Promotion Guidelines Letter Recognition and Letter Sounds Recognizes rhyme, generates rhyme, beginning sounds and same sound(80%combined) Concepts of Print 17/20 Math Profile Assessment 80% of summative markings should be at Level III or IV Writing Continuum Profile- Early Emergent Stage
Running Records Level:3-4 with retell 3or 4 Demonstrates grade level computer skills Age and maturity of student (social, emotional, and physical) Attendance Record Prior Retentions Student growth, pertinent information, and assessment considerations deemed appropriate to use in determining student’s readiness to perform successfully at the next grade level High Frequency word recognition
Conclusion We hope that our presentation has helped you understand all that is required of your kindergartener. Our goal is to make successful first graders out of your children by the end of the school year. Thank you for reinforcing everything that we cover during the day, at home. Thank you for your attendance.