Brentwood of Palatine Condominium Board Meeting Financials – Budget discussion Approval of Minutes / Resolutions Gate status – Alternatives pending Contract updates Audit status SOS Filing status Real Estate Taxes Parking lot repairs Path Lighting details Frozen pipes (heat) Water Heater (1455) Rules and Regulations update
December 2006 Financials Assets 2006 ending – Operating Accounts - $ 21, – Receivables - $ 28, – Reserve (CDs)- $110, Total Assets - $159, /14/2007 current detail: – Operating accounts - $ 44, est. – Receivables - $ 25, – Reserve (CDs)- $110, Total Assets - $179, est.
Budget Discussion Assumptions made for 2006 Time constraints Better granularity Needs identified & quantified Specifics outlined Adapt, Adjust, Amend Next Steps
Contract Updates etc. Jani-King / JTW (Cleaning) Martinez (Landscaping) Cochran & Cochran (Audit) Elliot & Associates (Real Estate Tax) SOS
Asphalt Condition
Asphalt Condition cont. 2 Estimate received so far Costs range from $20,000 to $30,000 for repairs, sealing and striping of parking drive and fire drive asphalt surfaces Fresh evaluation of budgeted line items and future planned expenditures.
Path Lighting Update
27 New Path lights (Pole/Base/Head)$9,000 Conduit (Pipe) 2140’$1,000 Wire (12#, 3 strand) 6500 ft$ 900 Junction Boxes 48$ 350 Concrete (40lb bags) 2200 lbs$ 200 Total est.$11,450 Budgeted$12,000
Frozen Pipes (Super Bowl)
Frozen Pipes 1485 & 1489 front entry halls
Frozen Pipes Actions and remedies inside Units
Water Heater Replacement 1455 Hot Water Heater Failure
Water Heater Replacement 1455 Hot Water Heater Failure Multiple bids solicited Wide range of quoted costs 2 new water heaters to be purchased for $2885 ea. Delivery this week. Installation to occur ASAP. 24 hour notice will be given to 1451, 1455 & 1459 indicating hot water unavailability during installation. Est. duration – 5 hours Installation cost est. $2100 Total estimated cost of failure of the heater: $4,985.00
Rules and Regulations Association attorney has vetted the proposed Rules and Regulations. Final formatting and preparations will take only a few days. Prepared copies shall be provided to all Owners of the Association. A Members meeting will be scheduled to discuss the proposed Rules and Regulations. Final set will be approved at a Board meeting. Exact time frame not set, but will be less than 30 days from today.
Thank You Thanks from your Board for attending this evening’s Board meeting for February 14 th, 2007