The ILCTA_MDB Horizontal Test Stand for SRF Cavities Andy Hocker FNAL-TD AEM, 25-JUN-2007
A. Hocker, 25-JUN-2007 AEM 2 Surface Processing Cavity Fabrication Vertical Testing Cavity Dressing Surface Processing Horizontal Testing Cold String Assembly Pass! Fail! Horizontal Testing --- Context
A. Hocker, 25-JUN-2007 AEM 3 MDB: Lay of the Land Horizontal test area for ILC RF HutVertical Test area for HINS
A. Hocker, 25-JUN-2007 AEM 4 HTS Cave and RF Hut 300 kW klystron charging supply modulator WG switch Horizontal Test Cryostat (HTC) LHe/LN 2 feed can RF waveguide (1.3 and 3.9 GHz) High power pulsed RF system (operated w/ CC2 for > 1 yr)
A. Hocker, 25-JUN-2007 AEM 5 Typical HTS test cycle Install cavity in HTC Warm, off-resonance coupler conditioning (high pulsed power processing) Cooldown to 1.8 K On-resonance conditioning of coupler/cavity Map out Q 0 vs E acc curve Test new widgets, etc. Warmup Remove cavity Goal: ~10 day turnaround Geophones (ILC CM vibration R&D)
A. Hocker, 25-JUN-2007 AEM 6 C22 prep (“dressing”) Installation of cold part of input coupler at CAF-MP9 clean room Cavity tuner installation Ready to install in HTC Installation of warm part of input coupler
A. Hocker, 25-JUN-2007 AEM 7 First measurement at HTS Room-temperature measurement of fundamental passband modes Zoom of “pi-mode” (accelerating mode)
A. Hocker, 25-JUN-2007 AEM 8 Status and plans Struggling with cavity cooldown –Identified a leaky liquid level probe as culprit, repairing this week, go for cooldown again Finishing up RF distribution/interlock checkout –Installing WG shutters to allow for multi-cave (HTS and CC2) configuration –Finishing up safety paperwork, final walk-through soon After RF checkout, begin commissioning –Execute HTS test cycle (~1 month) Declare open for business –First customer: FNAL third-harmonic (3.9 GHz) cavity for DESY’s FLASH facility –1.3 GHz cavities for first US-built ILC CM as schedule allows