10th Configuration Management Benchmarking Conference June 15-18, 2003 Hershey, PA 2003 CONFERENCE " A Decade of Sharing" NEI Business Update Presented By: Vince Gilbert Director, Business Services Director, Business Services Nuclear Energy Institute
2 Objective … To highlight recent NEI activities äNEI Benchmarking Update äStandard Nuclear Performance Model Update äIndustry-wide benchmarking process äCommunities of Practice äCMBG projects and Issues äProcess Congress Concept
3 Performance Improvement äThe objective of performance improvement is to continuously explore ways to: Increase business efficiency Lower operating cost Maintain or improve safety
4 Performance Improvement äThis is accomplished by: Focusing on process management Maintaining a Standard Nuclear Performance Model Conducting benchmarking projects Understanding Change Management Developing and Maintaining “Communities of Practice” in each process area
6 Benchmarking Projects äRecently Completed Equipment Reliability 9/02 Computer Software 3/03 äIn Progress Work Management Role in Nuclear Asset Management äIn Planning (Five new projects on list)
9 Support for Communities of Practice was unanimous … ä Participants get value from networking with peers, involvement in projects to address high priority industry needs within their process area. ä Alignment with the Standard Nuclear Performance Model leads to efficient interfaces among related process areas. ä CoPs provide a strategic focus in a process area previously lacking among the large number of uncoordinated special issue groups in the industry.
DefinitionDefinition A Community of Practice (CoP) is an industry peer group of experts in a business process or sub-process defined in NEI's Standard Nuclear Performance Model (SNPM). The group serves as the “owner” of a particular process or sub-process, managing the solution of business process issues for the industry in that area. A CoP, then, is a more formal and comprehensive group than a Special Issue Group (SIG), scores of which have formed over the years within the nuclear industry. CoPs are led by a steering team and governed by a formal charter to implement the functions below. SIGs are peer groups of experts in a technical area who meet to share knowledge and experience.
11 FunctionsFunctions äSupport and guide industry management of strategic business process issues äDefine and administer appropriate industry projects for their process area äDevelop, approve, adjust process Key Performance Indicators in the SNPM
12 FunctionsFunctions äRecommend adjustments to cost definitions in the SNPM äDetermine future benchmarking direction äIntegrate, coordinate and provide guidance to special issue group activities to gain synergies on related industry process issues
13 CharacteristicsCharacteristics äThe formation of a leadership or steering team äA Charter describing the group's mission, objectives, and interfaces with NEI, the SNPM and SIGs äA Charter describing the group's mission, objectives, and interfaces with NEI, the SNPM and SIGs äA process for coordinating with the SIGs in the CoP process area, including incorporating expertise and providing and receiving feedback.
14 CharacteristicsCharacteristics äA set of fully developed cost definitions for their process äA completed intermediate level and up-to-date process description äA set of definitions of industry-wide performance indicators
15 CharacteristicsCharacteristics äA set of performance improvement projects äA process for identifying high value performance improvements in their process area and carrying out projects to help the industry achieve these improvements.
16 CMBG Issues and Objectives äContinue to Drive the CM process and Interfaces äCMBG projects Key Performance Measures CM Process Description and Process Description Interfaces (IM, IT) Help us Resolve Issue from CoP of SS003 Information Management Issue: Ownership for Procedures Methodology and Content
17 CMBG Issues and Objectives ä Help us complete as much work as possible in time for SNPM Revision 4 deadline (October 2003) ä Continue Dialogue with INPO until revised AP-929, Revision 1 is issued ä Your group is doing a great job-keep it up!
18 NEI CoP Web Tool äIs coming äIdentify personnel who are willing to work in small groups as either: Internal business consultant development – for management of projects later To work on a specific project now via the Web tool after tool is available
19 Process Congress Concept äIndustry Business Meeting in Washington, DC äRepresentatives from: NEI, INPO and EPRI All Communities of Practice Steering Teams NEI member suppliers and consulting companies Special Issue Group leaders ä To discuss important issues and develop integrated improvement plans
20 For further information … äOn NEI initiatives in benchmarking and process improvements, contact Adrian Heymer, Vince Gilbert, Amy Barreiro,