10 th American History Daily Lessons
This Day in History and Current Events This Day in History In the Warren Commission issued a report concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald had acted alone in assassinating President Kennedy. Current Event Syrian internally displaced languish in squalor at Turkey's border People fleeing the war endure filthy conditions in impromptu Syrian encampment Thousands of Syrians are being turned back at Turkey's border Turkish facilities for Syrian refugees are already overfilled Official: Turkey can't keep pace with Bashar's violence against his own people
While you were gone 10 th American HistoryMake-up Assignments Sept. 27 While you were gone 10 th American History- Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook Room 214 Student-_____________ Date Absent Sept. 27 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: –Chapter 7 Section 1 Quiz- Oct. 1 –Read Chapter 7 Section 2 pg with notes. Look at page 206 for type of notes to take. Make two arrows- One for Spanish-American War and One for Arguments for and against annexing the Philippines- Due Oct. 2 In Class Work: Assignments due- Chapter 7 – Section 1- Pages Activities- –Before Class starts- This Day in History and Current Events- put in Go Hawk Planner. –Vocabulary – 2-3 min. IdeologyAcademic- Ideology imperialism; spheres of influence; open door policy.Social Studies- imperialism; spheres of influence; open door policy. –Timed Reading Worksheet- 5 min.. –Discussion of Section min. with in class notes min. –Base Group Coop work-, min. Daily Bellringer Daily Test Practice, Vocabulary Builder. Sect. Quiz, Biography- and 4 HOT questions. point- Lure of Imperialism –Begin Power point- Lure of Imperialism Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam- ________________________ Signature:_____________________
Day #27 Assignments - Read Chapter 7 Section 2 pg with notes. Look at page 206 for type of notes to take. Due Oct. 10 Homework due today -Assignments due- Chapter 7 – Section 1- Pages In Class Work - Activities- Activities- –Before Class starts- This Day in History and Current Events- put in Go Hawk Planner. –Vocabulary – 2-3 min. IdeologyAcademic- Ideology imperialism; spheres of influence; open door policy.Social Studies- imperialism; spheres of influence; open door policy. –Reading Quiz- 5 min.. –Discussion of Section min. with in class notes min. –Base Group Coop work-, min. Daily Bellringer Daily Test Practice, Vocabulary Builder. Sect. Quiz, Biography- and 4 HOT questions. point- Lure of Imperialism –Begin Power point- Lure of Imperialism Unit II Becoming a World Power Chapter 7 Sect. 1 Base Group PowerPointWord Wall
Unit II- Chapter 6 Test Hand Back TEST! 55 points are already recorded on Infinite Campus threeRemember you have three days after the test is returned to retake it if you wish.
Imperialist Activity Economic Interests- Military needs- Ideology- Scramble for territory- Taking control of Hawaii Early contact- Sugar interests gain power- End of Monarchy- Annexation- Bayonet Constitution What was it?- Effects?- Influence in China Spheres of Influence- Open Door Policy- Boxer Rebellion- Influence in Japan 1630’s Commodore Perry Modernization- Russo-Japanese War- Great White Fleet- Causes of U.S.Expansionism- What is imperialism? How did the U.S. get Alaska? Taking Notes for Chapter 7 Section 1- {6 Boxes- 1 Page}
Spanish American War Arguments for or against Annexing the Philippines Notes for Section 7.2
Timed Reading worksheet – Worth 2 Daily work pts. each Canvas 1)Go to Canvas Chapter 7.1Timed Reading worksheet 2)Find the Chapter 7.1 Timed Reading worksheet 3)Once you start the quiz you have 5-7 min. to complete it 4)You may use your notes, but not the book. 5)When you finish work on the vocabulary for today. Correct answers Points- 2 each Homework points
Academic Word/Definition (located in the Margin) Etymology- Origin of word ideology- ideology- a set of ideas about human life or culture. French Social Studies Word/DefinitionPrefix/Suffix or Reminder Word imperialism imperialism – involves the extension of a nation’s power over other lands. Imperial Spheres of influence Spheres of influence a geographic area where an outside nation exerts special economic or political control. Foreign threat Open Door Policy- Open Door Policy- the aim was to give all nations equal trading rights in China. Hayes
Daily Bell Ringer – 7.1
Answers to Daily Bellringer 7.1
Daily Test Practice 7.1
Answers to daily test practice
Vocabulary Builder 7.1
Vocabulary Builder 7.1
Section 1 Quiz 7.1
Biography 7.1
Biography 7.1
Biography 7.1
10 th American History Unit II – Becoming a World Power Chapter 7 Section 1 – The Lure of Imperialism PMI- Plus – Minus – Interesting Using the Power Point Discussion fill in the areas below.. Plus- Benefits- good points of the time period. Minus – drawbacks of the time period.. Interesting - Comments or questions or items about the time period.