A survey based analysis on training opportunities Dr. Jūratė Kuprienė Framing the digital curation curriculum International Conference Florence, Italy May
What we planned? To identify, document and analyze the training courses, curriculum, resources, good practice instances that are currently available. To profile the existing training opportunities. To establish a framework for the evaluation of the training curriculum.
What we did? Questionnaire on training opportunities: – Institutions and organizations with interest or involvement in digital curation and preservation training activity. – Focus on issues related to: Training content Metchodologies Delivery options Assessment Certification Registry of training opportunities Training evaluation framework
Structure of questionnaire Information about institution; Information about trainings provided by the institution: – Type of training; – Target audience and their knowledge; – Key topics covered; – Training format; – Trainers; – Learning objectives and benefits of attending; – Accessment – Certification – Evaluation Information about future plans to organize such trainings.
Survey distribution
Survey population
Did your institution organize trainings during the last 2 years?
Required experience
Key topics
Trainings format
Learning objectives Awareness of issues in digital curation field: – critical challenges and trends; – latest developments in managing; – requirements in different environments; – development of policy for organisation; – applying the standards. Getting knowledge about: – digital preservation methods; – data management planning; – repository systems; – web archiving; – file formats. Awareness of good practice: projects, networks.
Benefits of attending Ability to make choices between short, medium and long-term digital preservation; Becoming able to define strategy and planning in the field; Understanding of the preservation planning process and its benefits to overall digital preservation strategies; Acquiring competence on the main tools and standards; Capacity to dynamically interpret rules and legislation; Knowledge of the role and use of metadata and representation information needed for preservation; Knowledge of web archiving and implementation of existing software; etc.
Assessment, certification, credits 79% didn’t offer any assessment, 9% offered tests, 6% offered exams. 40% of all training provided attendees with certificates: – 42% of those certificates were vocational; – 32% academic. 34% of all training provided credits: – 3 respondents gave 2 ECTS credits; – 2 respondents gave 4 ECTS credits; – some respondents: “it depends”…
Future plans 43% of respondents were planning to organize trainings. Topics: – a general introduction to digital preservation; – attributing metadata; – evaluating the format of digital resources; – checking an OAIS-compliant ingest plan; – data archiving of scientific data sets; – management of photo archives. Outcomes: – raising awareness about digital preservation and existing tools; – learning about current developments in the field; – understanding the risks associated with information access; 32% may organize 25% were not planning to organize.
Conclusions The differing levels of awareness of the field; The variety of institutions ; The dynamic rate of development of the digital preservation field; Closer interaction between practice and theory; The awareness raising of why successful digital curation action is important to undertake in the first place; The flexibility in vocational training requires collaboration between organizers of relevant courses and the ongoing exchange of teaching ideas, methods and techniques.
Outcomes Training evaluation framework: – The survey + desk reseach of previous work. – The structured approach to consideration of a curriculum or piece of training. – For those developing training: To assess what is already available, To clarify which potential approaches, audiences and skills may need to be addressed. – For those assessing training: A structure to which training offerings can be mapped; To clarify where provision is ample; To learn which approaches, audiences or skills are scarcely served in training; To compare different training offers.
A survey is available on Vilnius University Library