Sport Heroes of the 1950s By: Cuyler
Jackie Robinson Born in 1919 to a single parent family. Went to UCLA, but was forced out of college. Jackie then went into the army and after 2 years became a 2 nd lieutenant but was forced out of the military with an honorable discharge due to racial discrimination. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was name NL’s most valuable player in
Willie Mays Born on May 6 th, 1931 Mays started his career at the age of 16, his high school didn’t have a baseball team so he played other sports at the time such as football, track and basketball. But at he end of his high school career it was obvious that his career would be in baseball. Mays had played for the Negro Southern League, where he was restricted to only home games so he could finish school. He was signed by the New York Giants, right after finishing school and sent to their class B farm team in Trenton, New Jersey. Where he played one year before being called to the professional team Mays was only 20 years old at the time. new-yorks-all-time-greatest-center-fielder/
Jim Brown Jim Brown was born in February 17 th, Brown was named Rookie of the Year in Awarded NFL’s MVP a total of four times in his nine seasons. Retired at the age of 30 putting up big numbers in rushing and passing for running backs. Brown_Jim.html
Rocky Marciano Rocky Marciano born on September 1 st Marciano in his early life always wanted to play baseball in 1947 he got that chance. He tried out with the Chicago Cubs but was let go because he couldn’t throw from home to second accurately. Rocky Marciano an American boxer was the Heavyweight Champion from September 23 rd April 27 th 1956 was the only Heavyweight Champion to ever hold the title throughout his career and to go undefeated and untied.
Bob Cousy 1/bob-cousy/ Bob Cousy was nicknamed “The Cooz” because of his ball handling skills. 3 major players names, including Cousy’s, were put in a hat in a hotel room and each of owner one from the Celtics, the New York, and Philadelphia Warriors drew to see who’d they draft in In year Cousy won the MVP award. Was inducted into the NBA Hall of Fame.
Stan Musial stance-posed-sepia.htm?rfid= Stan Musial born November 21th in 1920 in Pennsylvania. Topped the times in his career and won 7 National League batting titles. A 3 time MVP of the N.L and played in 24 all- star games. Was 1 home run away from getting the National League Triple Crown in 1948 and his lifetime batting average was.331.
Sugar Ray Robinson Sugar Ray Robinson’s real name was Walker Smith Jr. He used his friend’s gym card to train for boxing at a very young age, his friend’s name was Ray Robinson. At the age of 19 Sugar had became a pro boxer. He had a 91 win streak in 1946 the same year he got his first welterweight champion Amazingly in over 200 fights Sugar was never physically knocked out, though he did have one technical KO. Altogether, he had 109 Kos. He finished his career with a record of with two no-decisions.
Maureen Connolly Nicknamed “Little Mo” Connolly at the age of 16 was U.S’s youngest women’s champion. She won in Connolly won the Wimbledon singles title from 1952 through 1954, was the French champion in 1953 and 1954, and won the Australian championship in 1953, her grand slam year. She was named woman athlete of the year by the Associated Press three years in a row, 1951 through Just two weeks after she won the 1954 Wimbledon title, a truck brushed against Connolly's right leg while she was horseback riding. She was thrown to the ground and the leg was damaged ending her competitive career.
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