1933 TO 1937 New Deal Legislation
What is the FDIC? Video— Do banks still fail? What happens if your bank fails? Video— what-happens-next/
Home Owners Loan Corporation and FHA 1) What was the intent of the HOLC? Was it successful? 2) Watch the video and explain how does the FHA reflect the three R’s? 3) Why is home ownership important beyond the economic stimulas?
The Civilian Conservation Corps Video— 1) Cause and Effect the CCC. 2) What about women?
The Tennessee Valley Authority Video— st=PLrZ82qkyyHXGiesrQFm1ReQWOFsh12Pgh&inde x=4 1) Why the TVA established? 2) What is the criticism of the TVA? 3) What is the role of the TVA today?
What is Social Security? Video— 1) Why was SS established? 2) What is the biggest issue SS faces today and the future?
Conservative Opponents of the New Deal FDR and his New Deal had many critics, not only from the conservative right, but from his own liberal leftwing groups. Criticism from the rightwing groups—Republican leader criticized the New Deal as 1. Being too regulatory on business 2. Too pro-union, thus taking sides with labor 3. Spending money that the Federal govt didn’t have—so the beginning of deficit spending (this was promoted especially in the late 1930s by economists who supported the theories of British economist John Maynard Keynes, thus it is called Keynesian economics) This type of economic theory promotes the idea of “priming the pump” or govt stimulation of the economy. Sound familiar?
Huey P. Long and Liberal Criticism of the New Deal Socialist and extreme liberals in the Democratic party criticized the New Deal said that FDR did too much for business and not enough for unemployed, working poor, ethnic minorities, women, and the elderly. In their opinion, the New Deal did not do enough and was too moderate. One of the major opponents of the New Deal from the left was Huey P. Long. SEE bio below— Video— 1) What the meaning of Long’s “Share Our Wealth” program 2) Read and “HIPP” the “Share Our Wealth” primary sources document
Roosevelt’s Court Packing Plan (1937) By 1936, the Supreme Court slowed the New Deal with rulings that limited the effectiveness of FDR’s programs. The Supreme Court was made up of conservative justices, mostly appointed by Republican presidents. In response to these court rulings, FDR attempted to “pack” the courts with younger liberal justices. His plan was to— For every justice 70.5 and older, the Judicial Reorganization Bill, would authorize the President to add an additional judge to the Supreme Court; therefore, allowing 6 new liberal justices to be added. The bill failed to pass and brought about criticism from both parties. Eventually many of the older justices would retire of die, thus Roosevelt got to appoint his people in the long run.
Life in the Great Depression 1. See Dust Bowl on the other PP 2. Photos of Dorothea Lange X&ei=M27wVIbKFoW0yASRmoK4CQ&ved=0CB8QsAQ 3. WPA and artists during the Great Depression Woody Guthrie— “This Land” lyrics Famous version of the song “ List of Artists who worked for the WPA Examples of New Deal art— 0yATvxoG4Cw&ved=0CDEQsAQ&dpr=1.25#tbm=isch&q=wpa+murals
Key Terms To Know For The Test Previous Handouts from 1920s and 1930s Brain trust Frances Perkins 20 th Amendment 21 st Amendment Fireside chats Harry Hopkin Huey Long John L. Lewis John Steinbeck Marian Anderson Keynesian Economics