Cyber Warfare Situational Awareness & Best Defense Practices Presented by Hasan Yasar
Agenda Defining the terms, What is..? A Brief History Assess the problem Implications and nation wide strategy Define Process Takeaways
Defining the terms, What is? Thef t of IP Effect to Computer Network State sponsored Political or hacktivist motivation Armed Attack Man- Made Platform Cyber Space X Cyberattack X X X Cyberespionage X X Cyberwarfare X X X X X
History of Cyber Warfare
Where we are in 2013… Source
Where we are in 2013 Source
Assess the Problem Complexity Domain, actors, target Threats type and locations In any form and from anywhere International legal concern Unknown source/actors Economic impact Cost on individuals and government Interconnected world Critical systems, private sectors
Interconnectivity of Sectors
Addressing the problem in some nations Turkey Cyber Security Strategy Plan and action items defined NATO Cyber Defense Center European Union European Network Security Agency (ENISA) USA US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) UK UK Defense Cyber Operations Group (DCOG) Russia Information Warfare Framework France French Network and Information Security Agency (FNISA) Germany Cyber Defense Center (CDC) Korea Korean Information Security Agency (KISA) Canada Canadian Cyber Incident Response Center (CCIRC) ……
Implications and Nation wide strategy
Organizational Structure
Takeaways Coordination Information Sharing Continues evolvement in threat and defense Develop and apply legal framework Public educational awareness
THANK YOU What type of weapons will be fought in World War III ?