Consorzio Interuniversitario Improving Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions: a process management experience in Italian Universities.


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Presentation transcript:

Consorzio Interuniversitario Improving Scientific Research in Higher Education Institutions: a process management experience in Italian Universities

Core Activities: Supercomputing services for scientific research IT services for the Italian Ministry of university and research IT services for universities University Consortium No-Profit Founded in Members: 49 Universities 2 Research institutes Italian Ministry of University and Research Employees:  550 Owned company: Kion (.. and others) CINECA for Higher Education

U-GOV Solution Map

U-GOV Technological Architecture

Research organizations Investment opportunities Projects Publications Patents Equipment Governments Financiers Researchers Editors Libraries Data centres Research institutions Industry Products Research data Facilities The research information space Researchers Source:

“Research Chain of Value” Strategic Planning Operative planning Assets and activities management Skills Outputs and assessments Exploitation Dissemination Resources Assets REUSE OF SKILLS, NEW SKILLS AND RESOURCES ACQUIRED

CINECA’s vision on research processes Project management internally and externally funded (Gov, EU, Industry): administering the grant, complying with regulations, reporting to funders. Research results repository management (publications, patents, conference speeches,..) Research results assessment (publication, projects, research groups) Research assets management (research teams and groups, research units, laboratories, equipments, facilities, skills..) Dissemination and Technology transfer Integration with national and istitutional repositories/systems Projects Results Assessment Assets Dissemination

Research Project Management Project Configuration –Project type –Cost prospect model –Work package model Project informations –Total budget and annual budget –Work Packages definitions –People and resources Timesheet submitting by researchers Business Intelligence facilities for Indirect Costs Allocation Reporting for funders Internal reporting about work in progress and results

Research Outputs Repository It gathers all the research results produced by an author that works for the University publications, patents, products, conferences, seminars It shows statistics about publications, researchers, research teams, research units, areas It is the start point for Assessment process It exports data to: University Libraries University Portal National/institutional systems and websites

Research Outputs Repository IT issues No duplications: automatic recognition of publication already submitted Each publication has a unique data owner Attachments to publications (e.g. full text) Integration with the University’s human resource database: infos about authors Integration with national and istitutional IT systems Import and export using standards like MODS, BibTex, ISI, OAI, Endnote, Pubmed Gateways for systems interoperability and data export (e.g. OAI-PMH pubblication metadata harvest, other web services)

Assessment Process Step 1 Session configuration Step 2 Assessment session Definition of publications and evaluators Definition of session rules Session opening Peer to peer Assessment activities Session endind Assessments publication Reporting CommitteeReferee/Peer Reviewer AuthorResearch Office

Assessment session Session opening Referees can preview the assigned publications Blind review Automatic assessments Session management Referees express their opinion about pubblications Referees report errors/issues, view progress of requests. President and Research Office manage session work in progress and warnings (open/in progress/accepted/rejected) Reporting Session analysis Final results sorted by categories, authors, groups and teams, areas.

Research Assets Research groups and teams (skills, areas, activities,..) Additional information about grants Annual research planning Scientific partnership Labs, equipments, facilities. Cultural and technological transfer

U-Gov Research Internal and External Interoperability Project Management Products and Pubblications Assets and Resources Web Portal Pubblications, Groups, Assets, Labs, People, Projects, Results, Assessments, Partnerships Organization, Products, Research Data Via Web Services IR Research Public Digital Objects Digital Library Publications Accounting Cash Flow Research Analytics KPI Payroll Address Book Organization Courses Seminars Professors Database Ministry Systems External Data Provider Eg: CrossRef

Publications & Products Repository ERP System (people and organization) EXTERNAL DATA PROVIDER Publisher’s Metadata Metadata extensions Bibliometrics Metadata Digital Object Metadata Internal assessment Data Authors’ details Authors’ Organization Details Internal peer review (assessment) Istitutional Repository Research Output Metadata – CRIS Model Composition Projects Management Resources And Assets

Thank you for your attention Fabrizio Luglio Systems and solutions for University Administration Department Manager of Research Systems Division