© CGI Group Inc Macro Assurance Safety Effectiveness Monitoring and Metrification Mark Machin June 2014
2 Macro Assurance
Agenda Context Traditional Methods Metrification Approach Informs Summary 3
CGI Founded in 1976, CGI is a global IT and business process services provider with 68,000 professionals delivering high-quality business consulting, systems integration and managed services. 4
CGI – UK Safety Supply 5
CGI Safety Assurance 6
Traditional Monitoring Methods 7
Effectiveness and Risk 8
Metrification 9
Chalkboard 10 Project Managment Safety Management Planning Budget Teamwork Communication Strategy Documentation People Users Scope Software Hardware Audit Review Checklist Controls Risk * Impact
Indicators 11
Status of Programme How close is the system / service to operational service? 12
Size and Complexity What is the scale and sophistication of the system/service? How much new technology is used? What are the human interactions ? 13
COTS Products and COTS Maturity Are the COTS/GFE/PDS/SOUP appropriate for the solution? Do they have a track record in this usage? Are they industry-standard? 14
Staffing and Competency Is the programme sufficiently resourced by suitably competent safety staff? 15
Safety Justification /Documentation Does the project / service have the documents which could be used to justify the safety position? 16
Safety Development Gap How close is the design / delivered solution to the safety requirement originally intended? What has been used / developed that does not meet the standard, or is not at the right level, SIL or DAL? 17
Residual risk level What is the remaining risk level with the system/service? 18
Usage Exposure How much live usage is there of the system/service? 19
Programme Fragmentation Are there multiple development / service sites / many subcontractors or layers of supply? 20
Client Involvement & Effectiveness Does the client understand safety and operate an effective System Safety Management System? Are they distracted by other issues? 21
Responsibility for Safety How much responsibility do we have for safety aspects within the project/service? What liabilities for consequential losses / 3rd party claims do we have via the contract or other means? 22
Accident Proximity and Severity How severe could an accident be that related to our system / service? Could it be directly caused by our system/service? 23
History of Safety Problems, Incidents and Accidents What has happened on the programme to date with safety consequences? What has/could have led to an accident? 24
Corporate Impact including Tolerability, Publicity, Investigations and Claims How would a serious accident in this sector / industry context be perceived by the general public? How much would it affect the company? Would a claim be likely? Would it generate press interest? 25
Effectiveness Index Indicators operate a 1 to 5 qualified index Framework for technical judgment Common influence weighting is applied Index and weightings give an Risk Index 26
Summary View 27
Monitoring Ranking Trending Early Intervention Continuous assessment 28
Potential Insights 29
Chalkboard 2 30 Project Managment Planning Budget Teamwork Communication Strategy Documentation People Users Scope Software Hardware Audit Review Checklist Controls Risk * Impact Safety Management
Summary Continuous agnostic and holistic overview approach Metrics framework to inform monitoring Means to visualise and articulate effectiveness of risk management across the totality of the supply. Vehicle to engage and drive safety culture 31
Questions 32