>280 new cases >38 children hospitalised Epidemiological statistics - 1 expected case of death when case counts reach to 500 Every new case has a potential to infect another 20 individuals Highest risk – children under 1 and pregnant women who were not vaccinated
Public Health will distribute letters to parents with all children with no documented MMR vaccination to approach GPs for vaccination All children over 1 yr age and adults born after 1970 can get MMR vaccination if not been vaccinated before
Health Visitors will advise older children & adults in family who have not been vaccinated to protect under 1 yr olds Midwifes will advise same to protect pregnant women Measles in pregnancy has high incidence of pre-mature labour
Virus is contained in the millions of tiny droplets that come out when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Measles is caused by breathing in these droplets or touching a surface contaminated these droplets and the hand going near your nose and mouth.
Cold, fever, red eye, sensitivity to light Takes 7-12 days from exposure to development of rash Red brow rash which blanches comes usually from behind the ear and spread all over the body, takes up to 8 days to disappear Infectious from days of rash
MMR in UK (90% protection measles, 95% Rubella) Age 12 months – 1 st Dose Age 3yr 4 months-5 years – 2 nd Dose No upper limit of age, 2 doses need 28 days at least apart
1998 study of 15 children – involved a lot of Bias Follow up studies of >250 children –no link between MMR and autism Tri vaccine MMR safer than single measles vaccine Single vaccine – anaphylactic risk high
Person who has not been vaccinated in been in exposure to Measles can be infectious for up to 21 days from time of exposure Vaccination with MMR within 72 hours of exposure can prevent from developing Measles.
Measles can be extremely unpleasant It can lead to - Pneumonia, Meningitis, Encephalitis, Long Term Spinal Cord Damage In rare cases, people have died from measles
Buccal Swabs Serology IgM – current Infection IgG- previous infection or immunised MEASLES IS A NOTIFIABLE DISEASE, CAN NOTIFY PUBLIC HEALTH BY PHONE OR FAX – PHONE NUMBER :