How To Edit Copy A Top 10 List
If time, read everything once for familiarization, a second time for editing
1.Doublecheck names and numbers: First the proper names. Verify spelling from several sources. Then check ALL instances to make sure spelling is consistent.
Next, Add it up. Call the phone number. Check the URL Phone number incorrect: A story in some Sunday editions about the Lyon Elementary School HOSTS program gave the wrong phone number for the Covington school. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer for the mentoring program, which helps children with their reading skills, can call Cindy Lester at
2. Mumble: Reading so you can hear yourself in your mind’s ear. Good way to catch names wrong on second reference.
3. Read slowly. Look at every letter in every word, every word in every sentence. Decide if there are unnecessary words and if word is best choice.
4. Verify or duck: Check all facts. Duck if you feel the need: change to “one of the largest”
5. Compress: no words used unless contribute to story
6. Cultivate a dirty mind and watch for double meanings: “Disney keeps touching kids”
7. Be alert for repetition but don’t get carried away. There is a need to reinforce main points with statistics, anecdotes, etc.
8. Avoid procrastination: Check questionable item right then – you might forget.
9. Edit, don’t rewrite. Preserve the writer’s style if possible. You can clean up grammar, polish transitions, make sentences smoother. If need a rewrite, send back if possible.
10. Always think about readers