Introducing Alberta’s Curriculum Redesign ECACS Trustees April 28, 2014 Presenter: Dan Nash
Session Goals WHY: Introduce the foundational understandings driving Alberta’s curriculum redesign process WHAT: Explore learner competencies as defined in the Ministerial Order (#001/2013) HOW: Introduce “Essential Understandings” as a District Planning process to meet the 3 E’s CONSIDER: Review Districts’ experiences and resources
Prologue Resources Video We are Inspiring Educationhttp :// SAUkEMhttp :// SAUkEM Honourable Jeff Johnson, Minister of Education - Inspiring Education Andreas Schleicher - Strong performers and successful reformers eQOmf0ugHyJ7053MBhZZCInVfgpD&feature=share&index=1 eQOmf0ugHyJ7053MBhZZCInVfgpD&feature=share&index=1 Honourable John Manley, P.C., O.C., - Jobs, skills and opportunities Dr. Glenn Feltham - The Task Force for Teaching Excellence =share&list=PL_Z2seQOmf0ugHyJ7053MBhZZCInVfgp D&index=3 =share&list=PL_Z2seQOmf0ugHyJ7053MBhZZCInVfgp D&index=3 Print About Curriculum Redesign What's New Curriculum Redesign Update newsletters Curriculum Development Prototyping Student Learning Assessments Research Communication Toolkit
Trustees : the Big Picture people of the organization….
Thanks to Golden Hills School Division Today’s schools are not what our parents experienced…
Why Change?
Curriculum Redesign Components
It provides an overview of the goals and expectations for K–12 students and establishes a clear mandate for Alberta Education and school authorities to follow when developing provincial curriculum. Unpacking the Ministerial Order (MO) The 3 E’s Learner Competencies
“Albertans see the role of teacher changing from that of knowledge authority to an architect of learning – one who plans, designs, and oversees learning activities” [teachers] collaborative knowledge-building processes actively co-constructing understanding and ideas… reconceptualizing schooling. A more personalized education system…skilled professionals as opposed to implementing pre-established programs, and engaging in technical tasks. – Distributed forms of leadership…collaborative problem-solving and collective reflection Inspiring Education Steering Committee Report (2010) Implications for Practice Provocative Questions Reflections
Overview and Timeline Why change? What will change? What are the competencies? How will it change? Timeline
Essential Conditions Planning: ntial%20Conditions.pdf Planning for Success: ARPDC Essential Conditions for Implementation
Chapter 1: Curriculum Development Processes Chapter 2: Competencies Chapter 3: Ways of Knowing Chapter 4: Breadth and Depth Chapter 5: Interdisciplinary Learning and Interdisciplinary Curriculum Chapter 6: Flexible Timing and Pacing in a Variety of Learning Environments Chapter 7: Responsive Curriculum for a Digital Age Chapter 8: Student-Centered/Personalized Learning Chapter 9: Assessment Alberta’s Curriculum Development Research Base
Great Resources
Louis St Laurent Catholic School Edmonton, AB So… What’s Different?
Rockyview School District, AB
Ning: Inspired
Thank you for your attention and participation. Dan Nash, Program Coordinator The Learning Network Dan's Dan's Virtual Office: