Topic Rathachai Chawuthai Information Management CSIM / AIT Review Draft/Issued document 0.1
Topic Name University
Institute needs to persevere “Teaching Material” as well as publication Institute needs open access repository Usage statistics become interesting Need of interlinked scholarly Need of user comment on material Need of document process Need of connection with other data source From Discovering the Information Needs of Humanists When Planning an Institutional Repository –
The archive is very large. Finding information can sometimes be difficult Information, data and documents may exist in the web archive in multiple instances From The National Archives: Semantic Knowledge Base – ( ) –
attach metadata to objects when you want to preserve them, rather than hard specifics that would be more typical in interchange format, because Preservation metadata today is seldom shared across organizations From Preserving Digital Documents: Choices, Approaches, and Standards –
Repository as a Platform for Peer-Reviewed Journals Make repository as open access publisher the repository should produce, showcase, and share an institution's exciting and original research Provide to create a research community to expand the boundaries of knowledge From The Institutional Repository Rediscovered: What Can a University Do for Open Access Publishing –
To realize to implement Digital Archive in Institutional Repository To Make Agreements and secure permissions for preserving IR contents To have guidance of digital format preservation to content contributors To plan for Long-term digital preservation To solve issue of lack of preservation funding From Institutional Repositories and Digital Preservation: Assessing Current Practices at Research Libraries –
Preserve knowledge as well as digital object From Terminology and Wish List for a Formal Theory of Preservation –
Good metadata – conforms to community standards – supports interoperability – uses authority control and content standards to describe objects and collocate related objects – includes a clear statement of the conditions and terms of use for the digital object – supports the long-term duration and preservation of objects in collections – have the qualities of good objects, including authority, authenticity, achievability, persistence, and unique identification From A Framework of Guidance for Building Good Digital Collections –
Goal for new items is to create metadata ones and then share to all appropriate places Integrate others library in search interface Post-print and published version will ideally cluster when they are indexed together Keep link undead Make open data from repository From Repository Metadata: Challenges of Interoperability –
In organizations, workflow processes continuously create documents and records. Starting from creation and ingestion, we should integrate the workflow process with the preservation process: appraisal, verification, maintenance, and, eventually, retirement. From The Paradox of DigitalPreservation –
Social Semantic Digital Libraries – Bibliographic descriptions with annotations provided by users (metadata) From Tutorial: Semantic Digital Libraries – url
The users are more eager to depend results of their search process on the automated solutions, such as recommendations, and on their trust in the information provided by their friends. Therefore, the meaning of semantics in the digital libraries should heavily include the social semantics. Future research on semantic features should concentrate more on improving accuracy of automated recommendations services and usability of existing solutions. From Evaluation of Semantic and Social Technologies for Digital Libraries –
An approach performs ontology schema matching in order to improve instance reference resolution performance From Overcoming schema heterogeneity between linked semantic repositories to improve coreference resolution –
This platform, based on Semantic Web technologies, is guided by some basic principles: extensibility, to allow new developments over a set of provided capabilities; progressive enrichment of original data through a series of transformations that use the Web as a source of information; and consideration of the final user as an information enrichment agent From A multi-institutional semantic integration platform –
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