Urbanization in America 1.Please get out a piece of scratch paper 2.Reminder: HW passes due tomorrow 3.Copy down your HW from board
Urbanization: Test your knowledge A. What percentage of Americans live in a city today? A. What percentage of Americans live in a city today? B. What is the largest city in the United States by population? B. What is the largest city in the United States by population? C. What is the largest city in the world by population? C. What is the largest city in the world by population? D. Where is the tallest sky scraper in the world? D. Where is the tallest sky scraper in the world? E. What is urbanization? E. What is urbanization? Keep your answers to yourself! When you’ve answered A-E as best as possible, fold your paper in half one time, please.
What percentage of Americans live in cities today? 79%
What is the largest city by population in the United States? New York, New York Estimated population 19,750,000
What is the largest city by population in the World? Tokyo, Japan Estimated population 32,450,000
Where is the tallest skyscraper in the world? Burj Dubai United Arab Emirates 2010 Burj Dubai Burj Dubai Towers Time Line
What is urbanization? Urbanization is a process of organizing people, activities, & labor in cities or towns. Urbanization is a process of organizing people, activities, & labor in cities or towns % 5% % 35% 1920 The number of Americans living in cities surpasses the number of Americans living in rural areas. Country City
Directions: Work with your assigned partner. Work with your assigned partner. You have UNTIL THERE ARE 10 MINUTES LEFT IN CLASS to create a sketch of your dream city. You can draw it like a map and use a key or you can draw it like an illustration. You have UNTIL THERE ARE 10 MINUTES LEFT IN CLASS to create a sketch of your dream city. You can draw it like a map and use a key or you can draw it like an illustration. *As a class we will vote at the end!!!* WINNERS – HW PASS!!!!
Directions: Your dream city must include the following items: 1.) Population- Who is going to live in your city? 2.) Housing for all- Where will everyone live? 3.) Recreational Facilities- What will people do for entertainment? Theater, sports, parks, shopping 4.) Industry- What will people do to make a living in your city? 5.) Education- What types of opportunities will be available for the individuals in your city? 6.) Solutions to problems- How will the problems of immigrants, overcrowding, poverty, sanitation, safety be addressed?
Who has the best “dream-city”? Who has the best city by vote? (you can’t vote for your own group) Who has the best city by vote? (you can’t vote for your own group) CLOSURE: Start brainstorming tomorrow’s assignment… CLOSURE: Start brainstorming tomorrow’s assignment… Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, Great Grandma, Great Grandpa, Aunt, Uncle…. Where do you originate? What was the name? Dig to the roots of your deepest family tree!!!