Keep Well – monitoring and managing performance Dorothy Ross-Archer, Keep Well Programme Manager
Monitoring and managing performance 2008 – Keep Well Local Enhanced Service Contract - developed initial performance processes HEAT targets set each year - monthly performance reports to each practice - individual targets set - Community Pharmacy Specification 2012 – national performance targets - cascade of monthly performance - targets integrated in CHP performance management - “open” performance information - ownership Result - a robust performance system
Performance - Patients say... Health checks “Glad I attended, made me think about my diet and smoking” “ I have started to make some changes on my lifestyle” “ I feel ready to give up smoking” “ Found the health check very helpful and informative” “Very likely to take up referral discussed as part of the health check” “ Appreciated the flexibility of appointments offered (daytime, twilight and Saturday) “ Made me feel very much at ease, would highly recommend pharmacy to anyone” Health Coaching Service “ Helpful non judgemental listening and guidance in a non patronising manner. This is helping me take control of my life” “The one to one talking, making me think about things and my behaviours”
Signposting and referrals
Partnership performance Making every opportunity count Patients Clients Staff Primary Care Community Pharmacies Aberdeen Sports Village VSA Carer Services Aberdeen city; Aberdeenshire & Moray Councils Criminal Justice Services Scottish Prison Service Integrated Alcohol & Drug Partnerships Benefit & Employment Services NHSG services e.g. healthpoint; Healthy Helpings; e-Health Mental Health Services 3 rd sector partner organisations