The Skills Passport Alison Strode Divisional Manager Skills for Health
Skills Passport What is it? Why do we need it? Benefits to individuals? Benefits to organisations?
What is it? The Skills Passport is a on-line verified record of an individuals skills, qualifications, competences, posts held and achievements.
Why do we need it? Captures Lifelong Learning including
Benefits for the Individual A single verified and portable career record giving mobility and flexibility across the sector and beyond Clear understanding of what training needs to be completed and by when Reduce time to hire, speed up career progression and increase earnings An online store of all evidence of skills, learning, training, employment, work placements & volunteering ready whenever needed e.g. revalidation A means of tracking what training has been done and what is next Personal development planner to define and track objectives Faster career progression and less administration
Core benefits for the Employer Reduces duplication of training Simplifies Statutory & Mandatory Training, so that more time can be spent on upskilling rather than compliance Reduces the time to hire, cost of staff cover and pre-employment administration Visibility over the skills and abilities of the entire workforce, meaning that training can be precisely targeted and better planning for national skills shortages and emergencies More flexible workforce – both within one employer and enabling employers to re-organise as they wish Promotes a culture whereby the individual take ownership of their own career progression thereby reducing staff turnover and increasing productivity Drives both productivity and quality
Scope of the Project Scope includes: – NHS – full time, part time, Staff Bank, agency workers – Non-NHS – inc Prison Service, MoD, Independent Sector – Clinical & Non-Clinical – Universities & Training Providers Data includes – Contact Details – Education – Qualifications – Employment history – Memberships, Licences to Practice, Right to Work etc – Training Record – Statutory & Mandatory Training plus all other training – Key Skills – as defined by KSF and leading to Career Plan Analysis – Summary of Objectives – Defining, reminders and turn into achievements on completion – CPD – potentially use in re-validation with NMC etc
Project phases Phase 1 May- April 2010 Agree proof of concept Evaluation Agree next stages Phase 2 April 2010 – March 2011 Wider testing Refine product Business case. Staged ROLL OUT
Any Questions?
Thank you Alison Strode –