OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE FOR ENERGY ACTIVITIES. A perspective from the NGO’s Madrid SESSA Conference “Investment for sustainability” 19 – 20 May, 2005 Friday 20 May: Assessment of opportunities in relation with a sustainable energy future for the EU Second session: International cooperation to achieve universal access to electricity Julio Lumbreras. Ingeniería sin Fronteras
LINK ENERGY - POVERTY Poverty and access to electricity Correlation between access to electricity and poverty Exceptions: China, Egypt, Mongol, Kenya, Tanzania, Botswana, South Africa, Morocco
LINK ENERGY - POVERTY Human development index and electricity access Greater correlation within low development countries according to the HDI Higher slope in these cases
LINK ENERGY - POVERTY Human development index and per capita consumption As a consequence, the more development the more per capita consumption (8520 kWh/year vs for medium vs. 218 for low) Exceptions: Norway, Iceland, Kuwait, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Vanuatu
DAC ODA Bilateral and multilateral aid Fluctuation between years both in the quantity and type (mainly more multilateral than bilateral) The total mean value is around 5400 MUS $ Bilateral is 2560 (6.5 % of total ODA)
DAC ODA. MULTILATERAL Multilateral aid. Agencies distribution - Af+As DB+DF: African and Asian Development Bank + D. Fund - EC: European Commission- WB: World Bank - ID B+F: Interamerican Bank + Fund- UN: United Nations
DAC ODA. MULTILATERAL Multilateral aid. Sectoral distribution More than 50% average leading to politic aspects (58%) Around 11% for non renewables and 7.5% for renewables 1/3 dedicated to electricity transmission
DAC ODA. MULTILATERAL Multilateral aid. Geographical distribution 6% for Europe 17% for Africa 35% for America 41 % for Asia
DAC ODA. BILATERAL Bilateral aid. Quality 33% non reimbursable (grants) 66% reimbursable (loans) 14% tied
DAC ODA. BILATERAL Bilateral aid. Principal donors - 58% Japan4.2% UK % United States1.8% Spain - 8.5% Germany
DAC ODA. BILATERAL Bilateral aid. Sectorial distribution 9.6% to politic aspects (58%) Around 36.8% for non renewables and 25.9% for renewables 23% to electricity transmission
DAC ODA. BILATERAL Bilateral aid. Geographical distribution - 13% for Europe- 12% for Africa - 5.5% for America- 68 % for Asia - 1.7% Oceania
SPANISH ODA. BILATERAL Bilateral aid. Quality of aid 10.1% non reimbursable (grants) 89.9% reimbursable (loans) 83.4% tied
SPANISH ODA. BILATERAL Bilateral aid. DAC versus Spain
SPANISH ODA. BILATERAL Bilateral aid. Sectoral distribution Around 78% for non renewables 19% for renewables 3% for politics and research
SPANISH ODA. BILATERAL Bilateral aid. Geographical distribution - 7% for Europe- 38% for Africa % for America % for Asia - 0.7% Oceania